Separate sleep of spouses: pros, cons, stereotypes, problems in relationships


The unlawful rules of society are respected by "default": adults, home life leads only a woman, husband and wife sleep in one bed. These "laws" came up with the people themselves, but not all adhere to them. The deviation from the principles causes disapproval by the surrounding.

Why husband and wife should sleep together? Sleep in different rooms does not always indicate problems in relationships, but it is important to notice the "first bells" and in time to save the relationship.

Causes of separate sleep

All people are different: someone is ready to sacrifice the night in the arms of his beloved person, and someone's own comfort is more expensive. According to a sociological survey conducted in Moscow, 70% of married couples who spend apart separately, drove due to snoring.

Separate sleep of spouses: Are there any problems in relationships

This disadvantage not only causes irritation in the second spouse, but also causes headaches and emotional instability. Scientists found out that the spouse retiring the partner on average 49 minutes of sleep. A person does not fall out, because of what the day feels depressed. The intimate life of spouses suffers. Half of the respondents admitted that the memories of the partner snore, reduce the attraction towards him.

Another common cause is children. Mom prefers to be with a child around the clock in the first years of life, and his father rests in another room, because it should be saturated. Morning him to work. Then, because of the habit of sleeping with the baby, the mother does not leave him one, so the father remains as a loser. He spends the night alone, because the wife could not properly organize children's sleep.

Pros and disadvantages of separate sleep

Night leisure - the base of vigorous well-being. If a separate sleep of spouses brings both more benefits than harm, it is better to leave as it is. A wife who is hung at nights is more willing talking to her husband and cares about him. He does not interfere with sleep, and the night is not associated with "torture".

Not anywhere to go from stereotypes that have developed on this topic: love is out and partners "cool". Spouses who sleep separately, more missing each other. Scientists in the field of studying human relationships argue that night spent in separate beds supports love and sense of affection.

Separate sleep of spouses: Is there a problem in relationships

What worked in one family can destroy the other. Split nights remove some spouses. When they decide to spend the night again, discomfort appears. A person quickly gets used to comfortable conditions. Sleep alone - it means that no one bothers. There is no snoring and disputes due to lack of space on the bed. But for the sake of your loved one you need to sacrifice, in response, he will try to do everything for a comfortable rest of the understanding partner.

Separate bed and nights, carried out not with her beloved, will affect relationships. But a person controls what way there will be changes. If there is love and strong feelings, it does not matter where the husband and wife sleep, they will not affect their marriage.

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