Tugarin (Character) - Pictures, Legend, Alesha Popovich, Cartoon, Snake


Character History

Tugarin is a mythical boat, which in fairy tales appears a powerful opponent of "good" characters. A little-known epic image became popular after the yield of the cartoon "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Snake."

Tugarin in epics and legends

The etymology of the name Tugarin is not clear: some scientists argue that it was formed from the name of the people of Torhar (TOHARIN), others believe that it rises to the name of Polovtsy Khan Toggang. There are also versions that Tugarin comes from the word "Tugarim" - so medieval Jews called Turkish warriors, or on behalf of the Biblical Hero of Togarma, who is considered by the Turkulist.

On the most likely prototype of Tugarin, Khan Toggancan from the genus of balls, a little is known. He lived at the beginning of the XI century and was considered the closest bonyak's companion, which for frequent and bloody raids on Rus called the "shelivaya predator". The Byzantine Princess Anna Comnina writes that in 1091, Khani united and helped to defend the Byzantine lands from Pechenegs. In 1094, the daughter of Torcan was married to Prince Svyatopolk Iaslavich. It is believed that the ancient Lithuanian genus of RO Zhinovsky went from this union.

In most fairy tales and legends, Tugarin - an evil snipe-like creature, sometimes anthropomorphic, sometimes more resembling a giant dragon. Hence the numerous nicknames of the hero, Zmeyshevich, Snake. The embodiment of evil in such a guide is characteristic of pre-Christian myths. However, some researchers see in it the echoes of Byzantine legends.

The image of Tugarin, despite the seeming unambiguity, combines the image of the stem-tempter (in this role it appears in the eponymies with the participation of female characters - marina and aprages) and the dragon, personifying evil, envy and other human vices.

Tugarine is attributed to the ability to command the elements. First of all, the fire was suspended to him: he is trying to overcome the heroes "snakes of fiery" and threatens to strangle the smoke. The connection of the snake with water is obvious - at least he knows how to swim, in some legends and send floods. Tugarin has wings, so the elements of the air also conquers. Sometimes it is depicted without wings, but riding a horse.

In a classic myth, telling about the Battle of Alesh Popovich with Tugarin near the Safat River, snake tolerates defeat because of the rain, which extinguishes the fire and damages fragile wings. In the battle with Ilya Muromer, he dies on the battlefield from hitting the spear.

Tugarin in films and books

The most famous embodiment on the screen of the hero received in the cartoon "Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Snake", released Studio "Mill" in 2004. There, Tugarin is a bright collective image of a foreigner with a fair amount of caricature traits. To save the luffic "picture" and show the connection of the hero with Mongol-Tatars, the authors depicted it as a mighty person with Asian features of the face. Tugarin is an experienced commander heading the army of caricature Mongol-Tatars. He was voiced by the hero director of the cartoon Konstantin Bronzit.

"Alyosha Popovich and Tugarin Snake" received numerous awards in the field of animation films, including the Golden Ostap and the IV Prize of the International Film Festival for children and young people "New Look."

Tugarin's connection with the snake of Gorynych, whom the Bogatyr of Dobryny Nikitich overcomes in other myths is clearly traced. The eponymous origin of these heroes is clearly the same, and to avoid duplication, the producers of the Studio "Mill" decided to complicate the image of Gorynych, making it a friend and helper the warriors.

For the first time, a three-headed snake seems to be a negative hero, but then the role of a whisker of good deeds and a hospitable owner. Along the plot, the snakes Gorynych appears naive, infantile and cowardly. The paint caricature is emphasized by his inability to fly, because of which the hero is very worried.

In the trilogy "Ivan Tsarevich and a gray wolf" his image closer to classic myths. The creators endowed it with a tendency to philosophy - so, the role of evil relates calmly and with understanding.

After all, there must be someone who everyone does not like? - Provides the serpent of Gorynych Ivan-Tsarevich. - otherwise the balance between good and evil will break. That we are - Yaga, Koschey and me. Axis evil.


  • "Alesh Popovich and Tugarin Zmeyshevich" (epics)
  • Ilya Muromets and Tugarin "(epics)
  • 1867 - "Snake Tugarin" (poem)


  • 2004 - "Alesh Popovich and Tugarin Snake"

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