Films, complicated for perception: Russian, foreign, trailer


People love to watch comedies, because you can "turn off" the head and relax. Those who lack emotions and impressions during the day, watch movies, complex for perception. They try to understand and feel the life of heroes.

In order not to suffer from the search for a movie for vivid impressions and pleasure from the semantic load, the editorial office of 24cmi has prepared a selection of films about a difficult life.

"PI" (1997)

Foreign psychological thriller "PI" tells the story of the genius mathematics Max Cohen (Sean Gullet), who hunts the secret. It works on solving the universal code, according to which courses of exchange shares change. The closer it is to the goal, the worst of his life becomes. Max pursue influential brokers with Wall Street and obsessive religious sect. All of them are ready to kill mathematics in order to have a secret code.

"Requiem for a dream" (2001)

Even the film trailer "Requiem for a Dream" is not everyone decides to watch twice. A heavy picture is divided into several parts: dreaming about the wealth of Harold (Jared Summer) and Tyrone (Marlon Wayans), Sarah Goldfarb (Ellen Borshin) dreams to become a star TV show, and Marion (Jennifer Connelli) wants to become a hostess of its own shop. This picture tells about the choice that a person does on the way to a cherished dream, and what it can be dangerous.

"Everybody will die, but I will stay" (2008)

The Russian essential film "Everyone will die, and I will remain" Valeria Gai Germanic on juvenile girls on the threshold of adulthood. Girlfriends Zhanna (Agnia Kuznetsova), Vicky (Olga Shuvalova) and Kati (Polina Filonenko) There is a major concern - like boys and get to the disco. They lead a rampant lifestyle, drink and smoke. Even serious dramas that unfold around them are not forced to revise the attitude towards life.

"Cursed Island" (2010)

In the spring of 2010, the American thriller "Island of the Cursed" came to the screens with Leonardo DiCaprio in the lead role. He and his colleague Chuck (Mark Ruffalo) work federal marshals. They went to a psychiatric hospital to find out where the patient disappeared. Sharing a complex plot does not work until the very end. Events taking place with marshals in the clinic are kept in voltage all the film.

"Communication" (2012)

Every weekend 8 friends are going for dinner, talk and laugh. This evening should not have different from the rest. Friends come to the T-shirt (Nicholas Brandon) and Lee (Lauren Spafia) come friends. During the evening, they become participants in unusual events. The company suggested that the oddities are associated with a comet, which flew around the earth at that evening. The task of friends: cope with the past, present and future, without getting into trouble.

"Location under the pines" (2013)

In the center of the painting "Place under the Pines" turned out to be the Hollywood stars Ryan Gosling and Bradley Cooper, which in 2019 are considered in demand as actors. Luke Glanton (Ryan Gosling) works as Cascader. Once he met the former beloved Romine (Eva Mendez) with a one-year-old son and decided to take them under his custody. He threw the work of the Cascaderal and settled the mechanic. There was not enough money for life, and Luke, together with the head of Robin (Ben Messelson), decides to rob the bank. The role of a policeman got Bradley Kupeur.

"Enemy" (2014)

The history teacher Adam Bell (Jake Jillenhol) takes a comedy and sees in one of the episodes of his twin. The idea of ​​finding a clone mastered it so much that he found himself in the center of mystical events. Adam went on a trip to the metaphysical darkness, and he must not lose herself along the way back.

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