Irina Savitkov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The disability and energy of Irina Savitskova can only be envied. For his long creative biography, the celebrity managed to reach the scene at least six theaters and play in a variety of movies, from comedy to dramatic. At the same time, the woman did not forget about the family, engaged in the upbringing of the son and daughter, found the time and on his beloved husband - Alexander Galibina's colleague, and on himself.

Childhood and youth

After 12 years from that happy moment, when Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin said the legendary "went!" And she conquered the space space, on April 10, 1973, in the Leningrad family of Savitkov, there was no less joyful event: the daughter of Irina appeared. Judging by the laconic information posted on the personal page in Facebook, the place of birth of the actress is associated with the historic area of ​​the Northern Capital called the streams.

Despite the fact that the native girls had nothing to do with the actor (father - engineer, mother - a teacher in kindergarten, sister - economist), she from an early age was given a respectful attitude towards scenic art. The artist recalled in an interview that for her a trip to the "Marinka" and dressing in the lobby in a beautiful dress and shoes in childhood were considered a real holiday, and added that if it were not for the intervention of the case, then it would most likely related to life with teaching activities .

Once a close friend, with which Ira attended the table tennis section, began to skip the workouts. The explanation of what happened was found, and the dolls in the puppet theater turned out to be rehearsals. To understand how this is generally possible, Savitskova went along with the friend and found himself in the magic world, who faded from the first acquaintance.

Soon she fell into a dramatic studio, which was advised to translate the teachers of a ballet mug due to too high growth (now 176 cm), where Irina was literally teeth clung to the debut role of Grandmother Tafaro in the "City of Masters".

"The theatrical world I completely absorbed. So continued until the end of the English school and receiving an excellent certificate. The school did not particularly apply to his hobby, and therefore no one doubted that, as well as the whole class, I was going to the Institute of Foreign Languages, "said Alexander Galibina's spouse.

At the last moment, the girl changed his mind and entered Skbgati to the Directory Faculty, but, having confused there about six months, moved to the acting, under the wing of the wise mentor Alexander Kunitsyn.

Personal life

And Irina, and Alexander Galibin, before the meeting, managed to associate himself with the Uzami marriage, and the man was twice. The actress first married his classmate Anton Oleinikov, but the joint personal life lasted for a long time and ended at that moment when he settled in the theater of a musical comedy, and she was in Lensovet.

However, the acquaintance with the second spouse happened when Savitskova was still officially listed for someone else's wife.

"In the 90s, conferences on art were popular, in one of them I participated with a presentation on the topic of the XXI century director. Suddenly the door opened, and Irina entered. Looking at her, I immediately understood - this is the woman with which I want to live the rest of my life, "the actor told the actor in numerous interviews.
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After the report, he conveyed a note with a note with his phone number, and she wrote his own in response, and after a meeting, the couple had no longer parted, at first carefully hiding from all the proprietary relations. Tet-A-Tet ​​with Sasha's parents passed like Oil, Mom Ira also approved the choice of her daughter, and Father Victor, who belted to a new groom with a share of caution, subsequently penetrating him with limitless respect.

The wedding celebration, where only the closest people were attended, took place in July 2000 in the Feodor sovereign Cathedral of the Tsarist village, and the painting itself was on September 27. After 3 years, October 7, the daughter of Ksyusha appeared, and in the middle of the first autumn month of 2014 - the son of Vasily.


Behind the shoulders of Savitskova - "Lensovet", from which he left and returned again, Novosibirsk "Globus", "Mansion", "Baltic House", Alexandria, Electro Penislavsky Electro and Others, and in each of them, where she and so Invite, Ira managed to shine in memorable performances.

In the first temple of Melpomen, it was listed as part of the "Electra" and "Dressing", in the second - the "meek" and "marriage of Figaro", in the third - "kingdoms", in the fourth - "Freken Juli" and so on.

Since the beginning of zero, the artist cozy as a cooler in cinema, the debut work was the very serial "gentlemen jury" and "their own strangers." Subsequently, in the filmography there was a 2nd part of the "web" and "Albanese" pseudonym "," tracker "and" such life "," Pechorin ", where Irina played faith, and" Furtseva ", where I reincarnated in the mistress of Zhukov.

Peterbuchenka was also remembered by the audience for the "Father's instinct", "forget-me-not," "Greater", "Pyatnitsky", "Paradise" and the 3rd season "Irckaki".

Irina Savitskova now

On January 27, 2020, on the day of the 76th anniversary of the removal of the blockade of Leningrad, the premiere of the criminal series "Hot Point" took place on the NTV television channel, which tells about the confrontation of veterans of the hostilities of local mafia and banditism as a whole. In the film director of Denis Carro, in addition to Irina Savitskova, Arseny Robak, Alexander Nostek, Sergey Sharifullin, Ivan Mokhovikov and others.
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In 2019, the actress celebrated the decade from the moment he came to work in Stanislavsky, in the repertoire of the theater for the 2020, with the participation of celebrities, several performances are listed. This is "Pinocchio. Forest "and" Pinocchio. Theater "Boris Yuhananova, Tartuf Philip Grigoryan," I / Fabr "Kiminsky Kiminsky in the texts of Yana Fabra" I - Blood "and" I - Cow ", Zoykina Apartment Olga Lukicheva.

As for social networks, the woman is their active user: in "Instagram" and already mentioned "Facebook" it shares both workers and personal photographs (however, pictures in a swimsuit or too decolted outfits are not found there), but "VKontakte "Does not particularly favor.


  • 2005 - "Lord Jury"
  • 2007 - "Alien"
  • 2008 - "Poutine-2"
  • 2008 - "Albanian's pseudonym" - 2 "
  • 2009 - "Such is life"
  • 2011 - "Pechorin"
  • 2011 - "Furtseva"
  • 2012 - "Father's instinct"
  • 2013 - "Forget-me-not
  • 2014 - "Pyatnitsky. Fourth Chapter
  • 2015 - "Paradise knows"
  • 2017 - "Big"
  • 2018 - "Iznika-3"
  • 2018 - "Family Business"
  • 2020 - "Hot Point"

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