Patricia Ellison - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The British TV series "Poland" from Netflix became the hit of 2019 and opened a lot of new names to the film. Among them and Patricia Ellison, whose career in show business started. The project gave the girl the opportunity to draw attention to himself and acquire fans who do not doubt that new bright actress is waiting for the actress.

Childhood and youth

Patricia was born on December 7, 1994. Her childhood and young years were held in London, where the girl attended school and first joined the dramatic art at the 10th age. Already then, going to the scene of the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden in the formulation of Oliver Twist, Ellison felt the acting - her vocation. The girl compares this experience with the insight, which prompted her to continue to play the game on stage.

It is not surprising that, after graduating from school, Patricia chose an acting specialty as a future profession. For this, she moved to Colchester, where at the local university 2 years he studied at the Department of Musical Theater.

The study delivered the English to the Enjoy, and communicating with like-minded peers made it possible to feel part of a big deal. Then the girl moved to Logon, where in 4 years in the British Drama School East 15 Acting School received a degree in the field of performing arts.

The acting biography of Ellison began on the theatrical stage, participating in such performances as "Heinrich V", "Tenderloin", "Our City", "Sleeping in the Summer Night" and "Lion, Witch and a wardrobe." In addition, Patricia worked in TV show and radio stations.

Personal life

Personal life of the heroine of Patricia in the TV series "Poland" beats the key. As the case in the actress in this field in reality, it is not known exactly. Despite the fact that it regularly updates "instagram" with fresh photos and news, it does not shed light on the family status of Ellison. The actress does not make any statements about this, which gives reason to think that a miniature girl (weighs 47 kg with a height of 157 cm) is still not married.

However, fans believe that the heart of the artist is occupied, since it often appears in the company of Actor Philip Walsh. In the "instagram" guy Patricia appears on every second photo, including a picture with a relaxation in Zanzibar, where the girl is immersed in sea waters in a snow-white swimsuit.

In his spare time, Ellison is fond of cycling, swimming, yoga and reading books. And she plays the guitar, sings, writes songs and poems. To all the kitchens of the world, British prefers Italian, but the favorite actress chose from compatriots, Emma Watson became her.


The Patricia filmography has opened in 2019 by the role of Margaret in the film screening of Viktor Hugo's novel. " Here the debutant appeared only in one episode, and in the same year it lit up in the dramatic TV series "moving forward", where Charlie played.

Real fame The girl found after filming in the adolescent series "Paul Education", the premiere of which took place in January 2019 on the Netflix Stregnation Platform. The project is dedicated to the difficult period of growing up, which is running each independently of nationality, gender and orientation. The series frankly and with humor speaks of fears, difficulties and uncertainty in the process of self-knowledge, friendship, making themselves and each other.

Heroes and themes "Poland" are interesting to both teenagers and their parents, because in certain situations they begin to discover themselves in the characters themselves. The caster of the project included the star of "secret materials" Gillian Anderson, as well as dozens of young actors, whose names became known only after the premiere of the series. Heroine Ellison Ola Niman occupies one of the key positions. Its special relationship with the main hero of Otis began in the 1st season and become one of the most interesting plot lines of the project.

Patricia is delighted with work in the "sex education", because the series allows you to speak freely on topics, which is accepted. It combines sincerity, charm and unobtrusive accuracy in which the viewer needs. Uncomfortable, but important problems are considered with warmth, honesty and sensitivity, which become a faithful key to the hearts of adolescents.

The actress regrets that "sex education" did not work on the screens during its teenage period, because then many difficulties associated with sexual matters could be easier to be experienced. Patricia believes that the series can become a bridge between children and parents, which will allow them to talk about important things that were inconvenient earlier in the family circle.

The girl notes that her heroine Ola possesses a direct, independence and confidence that most 16-year-old teens boasts. Play Ol actress was easily, because they look like: Ellison also prefers to straightly express opinions and to rely on himself.

Patricia Ellison now

In January 2020, the 2nd season of the series "Poland" came to the screens, which was hardly better than the first. Topics and characters were developed, becoming even more voluminous and alive. Among them and the heroine of Patricia, whose relationship with Otis is experiencing a crisis. And if in the 1st season of Ola, first was not, and it appeared only from the 4th episode, now its role is the key.

The heroine is not only going through the gap, but also trying to realize the nature of his sensuality, as a result of which it comes to the conclusion about his own pansexuality. And it gives a spark to the development of new feelings and relations of Ola. There are not only love, sex, but also a new unexpected friendship.

"Poland" remains the main field of implementing the creative potential of the patricium. The actresses are still unknown on future plans, the girl does not announce new films and projects with their participation. It is open to fans through social networks that intend to use as a tool for broadcasting feminist glances. In the focus of Ellison, the fate of dark-skinned women who have to fight prejudice and prejudices.


  • 2019 - "Rejected"
  • 2019 - "Moving Forward"
  • 2019-2020 - "Poland"

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