Urfin Jus (Character) - Illustrations, Wooden Soldiers, Cartoon, Author


Character History

Urfin Jys - Alexander Volkova Cycle Character About Emerald City. Initially, he was conceived as a classic villain, a defeat from the main characters, but later the writer was forced to revive and "re-educate" Jys, because readers did not want to part with him.

History of character creation

The surname of the hero comes from English jealous - "envious", and the name is probably from the word Orphan - "orphan". Urfin Rod from the village of Kogda, located in the Blue Country. Since childhood, he noticeably stand out from the surrounding cheerful, timid and peace-loving chevnov. Early Osappets, the boy went to the students to the local joiner and mastered the craft perfectly.

From childhood, Urphin showed leadership qualities, assigning themselves in the Games. He was trying to entrust the manufacture of toys, but they inherited the gloomy and wild temper of the creator and therefore were not suitable for the game. Jius also distinguishes hatred for music, emphasizing the asocial character of the character.

Feeling dislike tribesmen, Urfin tried to separate from them. He settled on the edge of the village, put a lot of effort to learn from the "family" habit of constantly chewing, took off his bubber unloved with his hat and finally secured the role of the burden.

The fate of Urfina Jussy

A happy turn in the hero's biography occurs when the wind brings the seeds of an unknown plant possessing the living properties. The diligence and perseverance of the Urphine allow him to take advantage of his luck: it makes the army of wooden soldiers and step by step embodies its ambitious aspirations.

Thanks to the power and tricks, Jys gradually acquires even more than expected. He wanted to rule only a blue country, but his feet was the emerald city, where the former carpenter established the tyrannical board. In order to strengthen the power, he proclaimed himself a great sorcerer and the heir to the evil magician of Gingham, but was defeated when Ellie arrived in the magic country with a uncle-sailor Charlie Black and the constant companion.

In the 2nd Books, Jus becomes an ally of the main characters and helps to repel the attack of menvites, after which it is removed from public affairs and becomes a garden-breeder.

Despite the gloomy characteristic of the character, it from the first pages produces an ambiguous impression. Urphin is incredibly hardworking, bravely, is not afraid of condemnation and shows the incredible verdability of the mind when it comes to power. The formation of his personality has a distinct relationship with the process of growing up: if surrounding Jys Zhevny - timid children who are afraid to even get out of the house to defend their cities, then Urphin is an unlike teenager, the idea of ​​self-affirmation, which over time grows and realizes the consequences of its choice .

Urfin Jus in cartoons and books

In 2017, the film was released by Volkova's story - the animated film "Urfin Jus and his wooden soldiers." After 2 years, in April 2019, Sicvel came out - the cartoon "Urfin Jus returns." The audience took both parts of the heat, but a number of critics remained dissatisfied with the image of the main characters, which seemed to them passive and selfish.

There are incredible theories of the fact that the wolves allegedly wanted to say with its relatively unlikely work. So, in the network there is a detailed justification that the novel about Urphine Jus is set aside in the genre of satire and built on the rejection of the idea of ​​the world revolution. According to this version, the name of the hero comes from "Orphan Jews" ("rooted Jews"), Philin Guamocolatokinta is a member of the Mason Brotherhood, an image of a sales journalist, and a magic powder, reviving wooden churgans, is weeds of Marxism under the larger clown of EOT Ling.

In the 50s, among the critics were those who seriously accused Volkov in small-bourgeoisiness and harmful ideas, leading the quotes about the personal farms of Zhevynov, the absence of their collective labor, reluctance and inability to defend themselves.

In fact, hardly the author wanted to create an evil satir on Soviet reality. Lovingly described heroes, explicit sympathy for those who play the role of a villain, simplified ideas about morality hint at the fact that the wolves wrote a children's fairy tale and simply did not want to follow the tradition in which negative characters are endowed with exclusively negative qualities.


A good monarch should be able to repair the whole country. That I fulfill all the desires. Only not yours, but their own. Court is a compatibility of nonsense.


  • 1974 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 1994 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 2017 - "Urfin Jus and his wooden soldiers"
  • 2019 - "Urfin Jus returns"


  • 1939 - "The Wizard of the Emerald City"
  • 1963 - "Urfin Jus and his wooden soldiers"
  • 1964 - "Seven Underground Kings"
  • 1968 - "Fire God of Marranov"
  • 1970 - "Yellow Fog"
  • 1976 - "The Mystery of the Abandoned Castle"

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