Top gifts in Russia who will not be accepted in other countries


"The main thing is not a gift, but attention" - this principle adhere to the peoples of the whole world. But there are things that not only will not delight the culprit of the celebration, but they can insult. The editorial office of 24cmi was the top gifts that are considered the norm in Russia, but not all over the world.


Gifts that are considered the norm in Russia, but not all over the world

Russian women crazy about colors. Men presented a bouquet for every holiday. In Russia, colors that would insult human feelings do not exist. But in France with the choice of flower it is worth being attentive. Frenchwomen can not be given chrysanthemums and cloves as well as residents of Korea. White chrysanthemum - a symbol of death. If in Japan an older person give a plant in a pot, he will insult, because it is associated with the ambulance, land and cemetery.

Personal hygiene products

On February 23, women in Russia are presented by chosen by personal hygiene, in response, the men as a perfume give them on March 8. In Russian people, these gifts do not cause embarrassment. In France, give the spirits of a married woman - an insult. Make it can only husband. Africans do not take shampoos, gels or soaps as a gift. They believe that the doning hints at their uncleanness.


Gifts that are considered the norm in Russia, but not all over the world

When a Russian man does not know what to give, or a little familiar with the culprit of the celebration, he buys a diary and a handle. The receiving party is rejoiced by the presentation, because "the farm will use it." To do the same with the German will not work. If you give him a diary, he deems that this is a hint of nonpunctuality. The German people are not late, it is important for them to do everything on time. Such an offering of them will not be insult.


A high-quality bottle of whiskey or brandy will have to taste on any holiday. Such a present subordinates are presented to leadership, women are pleased with their men. But not everyone will be delighted with a bottle of sturdy drink. Residents of Muslim countries will not accept surprise and spoke communication with the doning. Faith does not allow them to use alcoholic beverages. Even if it is a figurine in the form of a bottle, a negative reaction cannot be avoided.


Gifts that are considered the norm in Russia, but not all over the world

In Russia, it is normal to get a little dog or a cute kitten as a gift. Women are asking for elect about the right friend and rejoice at the meeting. Vietnamese do not accept cats, because their "meow" resembles the Vietnamese word "poverty." And Muslims will not be delighted with a dog, because this animal is considered unclean, like a pig. The Chinese people against the statuette with the image of animals, in their opinion, such a gift will bring misfortune and break the harmony in the house.


Russian women willingly take expensive boots or exclusive shoes as a gift. Often, a man gives money to birthday and sends to a shoe store. Divorces in Korea are rather an exception than the norm. They live in marriage for many years and believe that this is the merit of superstition. Husband and wife do not buy each other shoes, because they fear that the partner will leave. They are seriously suitable for the choice of things for a significant event, taking into account not only superstitions, but also traditions.


Gifts that are considered the norm in Russia, but not all over the world

Most Russian people love to be photographed. When the family is going to the house, the owners take the stacks of photo albums, and viewing pictures takes 1-2 hours. In other countries, such a gift will be treated skeptical, for example, in Africa. Local residents believe that this invention takes part of the human soul at the time of typing. The panic fear of them causes a flash. Africans will make more chocolate more, although the food in their country is not accepted.

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