Film "White Dew" (1983): actors, interesting facts, shooting, curiosities


In 1983, the director of Igor Dobrolyubov "White dews" by the Soviet viewer immediately after the first show in 1984 was removed on Belarusfilm. The story about the villagers who preparing soon to "retrain" in the townspeople, turned out to be close and understood to many at the time. On interesting facts associated with the creation of a favorite picture, and curios, without which shooting did not deal, this article will tell.

Three from Lartz

Under the directorial idea, the Brothers Rasas - Troynyashki-Gemini. The director even appealed to the All-Union Twin Club, who was in Leningrad to find for filming three suitable actors, but nothing came out. As a result, he had to refuse to refuse, Andrei (Gennady Garbuk), Alexander (Mikhail Kokshenov) and Vasily (Nikolai Karachentsov) became the videos.

"Broke a lot of branches, broke a lot of firewood"

With the episode, when Vasily with Harmonew recresses in a storky nest, without curiosities it did not cost. First, acting the role of the younger brother, the actor Nikolai Karachentsov was afraid of heights, and the director had a long time to persuade the artist to act in this scene. Secondly, rummaged on the tree on their own, the Karachentsov could no longer come down - I had to use the fire staircase.


First, Mishka Kissel, played in the "white dears" by actor Stanislav Sadalsky, was a character grim. According to the first version of the script, Kisel - who was leaving 5 years for the murder of the criminal. But then the creators decided to "whitewash" the biography of Kino Heeroy. Only the phrase, abandoned by the Sadalsky character, remained from the former plot: "Discount you, Fedos. Would be in the zone - king went. "

About poisons in movies and life

An interesting fact: an episode with "poisoning" the currencies borrowed by the author of the scenario, Alexey Dudarem, from his own army past. Commanders convinced the soldiers that the strongest poison was added to the optics and contacts of the optics and contacts. Of course, it was not true, but doubts about those who wanted to drink employees who were called. Therefore, the bread moistened in alcohol went "on the sample" of the PSU, and the product itself after tasting the representative of the animal world was used "for the appointment" by servi.

And then, as in the film: the dog sleeps, and frightened soldiers flee into the medical unit. Only instead of the enema receive a few days of Gaupvakta.


It did not cost in the "white dears" without flats, which attentive viewer can easily notice.

In the "salvation" scene, the stroller with the glass hero Nikolai Karachentsov rushes, as "traveling" in the frame of broken bottles when shooting from different angles.

Bottles move in the frame (

During commemorative "clarity" appeals of Fedos with Timothy the plates "download" on the table, and the "four-legged" himself strives to escape to the far corner.

Plates change location (

And the other curiosity: the middle son of the family of Khodasi in the pursuit "For a long ruble" climbed into the Far East, from where he says to the hero Mikhail Kokashenov himself, sitting on the ocean, "you can end up before Japan." But Fedos stubbornly sends a letter to the son in another "edge of Soviet geography" - in Vorkuta!

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