Unusual ways of applying tea tree oil


Essential oil based on the extract of tea tree (Mealaleuki) is a beautiful cosmetic tool for hair and skin, after the use of the hair and the body still retain a pleasant resistant smell. However, the use of it is not limited to only concern for curls and the condition of the skin. Here are 4 unusual and unusual ways to use this drug.

Do not bite!

Ways to use tea tree oil

The tea tree oil is used in the fight against dandruff - its antibacterial properties helps to get rid of the fungus serving the reason for this annoying ailment. However, this means is useful and in the fight against another common problem - pediculosis. Due to the specific smell of the extract of Mealleuki, it becomes possible to get rid of lice and noms living in a person on the head.

Of course, the hood of "honeymart" does not destroy parasites - they have a resistant chitine cover, through which the toxic components of oil do not penetrate. But the fragrant extract with regular use deprives access to food of bloodsowing pests - the resistant smell does not give them to touch the skin. Because of the "excommunication" from the usual "table", the rate of reproduction of parasites is reduced. However, to fully get rid of lice, it will not be able to restrict the tea tree alone alone - a comprehensive treatment and specialized procedures will be required.

Instead of "Blendamed"

Capture of tea tree leaves can help with a smile - whitening the teeth using this tool is quite safe, which cannot be said about the application with a similar purpose of peroxide and soda. In addition to the clarifying impact, Mealaleuki extract has a beneficial effect on the state of the gum, reducing their bleeding, and also destroys malicious bacteria in the oral cavity.

To clean the teeth, you can use both pure essential oil and a mixture with toothpaste or powder. Remove the aftertaste will help the rinse of mouth with water with the addition of salt. To achieve the result, brushing the teeth with oil is required for 10 days. The course of bleaching procedures to repeat 1 time in 3 months.

However, for such an application is not suitable for any oil - you have to make sure that the means is indicated on the label that it is suitable for intake. Otherwise, there is a risk of poisoning - in poorly purified squeezing "honeymart", as sometimes called a tea tree, contains toxic components.

As an antiperspirant

Ways to use tea tree oil

The antiseptic properties of Mealleuki essential oil are also useful in getting rid of the smell of sweat. If, after washing into carefully dried arms, 2-3 drops of extract are launched, then you can forget the unpleasant embarrassing "aroma". The tool prevents the reproduction of bacteria, which causes the characteristic "fragrance", as a result of which the distinguished sweat will not be smell.

The addition of tea tree oil directly into the water before taking the bath, also contributes to the eradication of problems with excessive "odorility" of the selections of sweat glands.

Clean - Pure Tea Tree Oil

The steady flavor of the extract is useful and washed. If you add 10-20 droplets of essential oil to a powder, it will give the effect of the freshener, giving a pleasant smell to the folded linen. In addition, with this method, clothing is disinfected, as well as it is easier to remove fatty contaminants.

The tea tree oil will help in the event that the laminated washed for a long time "bloomed." A pair of tablespoons on a liter of hot water - in this solution soak for 1 hour and then wash.

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