Dylara Zinatullina - biography, personal life, photo, news, age, Alisher Morgenshtern, "Instagram", nationality, "Titstok" 2021



Beautiful and intelligent native of Ufa Dilar Zinatullina is interesting to Internet users mainly as a friend Alisher Morgenstern. For the personal life of the most popular rap artist of Russia, fans watched no less accurate than for creativity.

Childhood and youth

Dylara was born on March 29, 2000 in the capital of the Republic of Bashkortostan. By nationality - Tatarka. Photos of Mother Dili can be seen on the girl's page in "Instagram". According to some information, in the beloved Morgenstern, whose name has Persian roots and in translation means "Beauty" (beloved), there is a younger sister Maria.

As a child, Dilar studied perfectly. The first in the instagram account of the Beauty placed a child's picture, where the little Zinatulline sits in the class at the first page and with enthusiasm pulls his hand. 9th grade Cute Brownie finished on the "five".

However, in the 10th, the girl was tired of being fine in the role of excellence and started in secret from parents to visit discos and "parties". As a result, Ufimka hardly passed the exam.


Although Zinatullina is still studying at the university, financially Ufimka does not depend on parents. The means for the life of the dilar earns on the pages in "Instagram" and "Tyktok". The beauty of the girl, the skillful alternation of the modest and provocative photos and a close acquaintance with the rap star attracts a huge number of follovers and make the blogs from zinatulline interesting for advertisers. Dilar talks about discounts and promotions in expensive shops of Ufa and clutches of Morgenstern clothes.

Personal life

With Alisher Valeyev Dilara met in 2017, and at the first meeting the appearance and habit of the guy caused the girl more fear rather than sympathy. Rapper was so drunk that later, despite the requests of the Zinatulline, could not remember the circumstances of the first meeting.

Dilya told about the moment the following dating. After conspicing the parents for the night at the girlfriend, Zinatullina went to the nightclub. Once near the establishment of half the morning, the girls realized that there was not enough money for tickets. One of the familiar dilara robbed with a friend of the Morgettern and offered to go to young people to visit. But the girl also did not have money for travel.

Fortunately, adult jigites tried with beauties. The girls promised to think if it was worth going with the new acquaintances in the hookah, and exchanged phone numbers with them. After 15 minutes, young Ufimki called the Southerners and reported that they agreed, but they asked them to throw them money on a taxi. After replenishing the funds on the card, they went not to sudden sponsors, but in the company Morgenstern.

Communication of girls with young people was in full swing, when a large guy of high growth with dreadlocks entered the room. A young man drank a decanter vodka from her throat and left, leaving Dilara in shock.

Gradually, the zinatulline and her friendmen have developed a friendly company with the morgennstern and fellow Rapper. The high school student saw a tender heart hiding under the bravada of a tattooed guy, and began to try to make an impression on the musician. However, Alisher replied to reciprocity only a year later, when the dilar had again became herself.

Year between lovers reigned idyll. Morgenishtern and Zinatulline went to concerts together, went to Cyprus and even lived under the same roof. However, then Alisher found that he was not ready to "limit the life of a family circle."

The musician declared a girl that, despite the feelings, too highly appreciated the opportunity to be alone, to pay time to creativity and sex with others. After the gap, about which the dilara told in October 2019, Morgen Shectern and Zinatulline remained friends.

Judging by the pictures posted on the pages of the dilar in "Instagram" and "VKontakte", Ufimka looks equally seductively both with cosmetics, and without makeup, both in the evening dress and in a swimsuit. The girl adores his kitten of the Thai breed.

In the autumn of 2020, it became known that Valeyev and Zinatulline again together. The photo, placed by dilar in an instagram account, on which Alisher gently kisses her belly, and the comment of the girl to the snapshot "will be very beautiful son" from you "allowed subscribers to assume that Ufimka was pregnant.

At the end of December, the girl denied rumors about an interesting position. However, the fans of Rapper, upgraded by the news that sounded in the program "Let's get married", about the fact that Morgenstern allegedly the extramarital son of Alexander Vasilyeva, assumed that in the 2021st, the musician will become a father, and the fashion historian is a grandfather.

March 29, 2021, on the day 21th anniversary of the chosen, Morgenstern presented it with a red Range Rover and Case with 5 million rubles. And in June, the girl accompanied the beloved at the annual event - the "MUZ-TV" award, where he called his wife's companion. Alisher appeared before the audience in a wheelchair. By the way, it is still unknown than was caused by such a performance - health problems or Haip.

After the scandal associated with the fact that Alexander Revva won in the nomination "Best Performer of the Year", Alisher and Dilara visited the transfer "Evening Urgant". Rapper's girl supported the chosen one from the auditorium, while raised the "Reva Best" sign.

And in June, the dilar made an offer to the Morgenstern during Shabbat in the synagogue. The rapper was delighted with the deed of the elect and called her a woman of the year, joking that he was taking congratulations and was preparing for herbooth.

A month later, the Morgenstern kneeling before Dilar and asked her arms and hearts, to which his chosen was convinced.

Dylara Zinatullina now

Despite the glory of the star satellite, the dilar was not going to hide in his shadow. While the name of the Morgettern appeared in the media in connection with the scandals and affair about the propaganda of drugs, Zinatullina was fascinated by sports, namely, he decided to touch the art of dancing on Pilon. The first results of training companion Alisher hurried to share with fans.

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