Essential oils from scars: tea, castor, sea buckthorn


Scars - the thing is unpleasant, regardless of whether they remain as a result of surgery or became the result of injuries. Despite the popular saying, these traces on the skin are far from always able to decorate even male representatives, not to mention women. But essential oils will help with this problem - if they do not get rid of scars at all, they will make them less noticeable.


Essential oils from scars

An effective way to cope with the scars on the skin is to take advantage of the essential oil created on the basis of squeezing from the tea tree. Tea oil is not only distinguished by anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, it also activates cellular exchange in the skin by stimulating blood flow. The latter leads to the acceleration of regenerative processes in the upper epidermal layers - the healing of damage passes faster, the scars become invisible.

To achieve the result, tea extract is recommended to mix with creams for daily skin care, as well as vegetable oils: olive, grape seeds or wheat germs. It is possible to use sunflower.


Another means that not only takes care of the skin, but also cleans the scars, is castor oil. It includes a mass of useful components, including fatty acids and vitamins necessary for skin care. Castor squeezing increases the elasticity of the skin and deeply penetrates into the pores, due to which it is an excellent means for dealing with the scars - removes both external injuries of the epidermis and internal.

This tool can be used directly by rubbing into damaged areas, as well as apply for compressing. It is not worth waiting for a quick result - to achieve it, it will be necessary to put a compress on the basis of a castor extract for several hours. The time of such treatment is able to stretch for months, but for beauty it is necessary to suffer.

Sea buckthorn

Essential oils from scars

Since childhood, many know that sea buckthorn oil is the first tool from burns. This vegetable product helps not only to displaced the place damaged by fire, but also minimizes the likelihood of blisters and, as a result, for a long time remaining scars. Also, sea buckthorn oil makes skin soft, silky, softens and speeds up the cell recovery processes due to the acceleration of blood flow in the upper epidermal layers.

Thanks to the intensification of blood circulation, the essential oil based on the sea buckthorn extract also helps to remove old scars from the skin. Compresses are better suited for this purpose: the place of damage is abundantly lubricated with the agent, and then impose a bandage. Such applications are required to put for the night for 3-5 months to achieve scar resorption.


Rosemary also accelerates cell division and regenerative processes, feeding the skin, accelerating healing wounds and stimulating the resorption of traces of scarring. This essential oil does not only eliminate the skin layer from the scars, but also makes it soft and velvety, which is most noticeable on the face. There is also a general healing effect.

Method of application: in the format of a ride or mixing with daily creams. The duration of treatment is similar to previous examples - persistence and patience is required, but the result is worth it.

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