Lestat (Character) - Photo, Vampire, Tom Cruise, Film, Ability, Ann Rice


Character History

Lestat de Lionkur is the main hero of vampire saga. Based on the novels of the writer Ann Rice, films were removed, which became bestsellers. And even though the topics of the superssengers in the cinema is pretty beate, this series still occupies the first places in all sorts of ratings. And the image of a gloomy bloodstray became a prototype for other paintings.

History of character creation

Ann Rice is an American writer who devoted 30 years of life writing a cycle about mysterious beings. Glory Howard Allen O'Brien (real name of the author) brought the novel "Interview with the Vampire".

Large tragedies happened in Rice's life, but it was thanks to this that the woman was the world of masterpieces of the Gothic genre.

In 1972, Ann loses daughter due to leukemia, and a year later, a story about the immortal appears on paper. The hero opens the mystery of two-day life by a journalist. A little later, this topic falls into the basis of the novel. Roman who turns the entire genre of Gothic Horror. Today it is a classic, but in those years the topic brought a fresh jet, bypassing readers of Dracula.

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Mrs. Rice made an incredible - described the despair of immortality from the first person. If earlier "bloodsicles" were perceived as bloodthirsty and fearless killers, then after reading the novel, the attitude changed. After reading the first part of the cycle, the readers noticed the "weak place" of the main character. He, despite superpowers, was afraid of loneliness and suffered from lack of attention.

Therefore, it creates companions, trying to keep them with all the might. One sweet killer is a scale. Others see the character of the thinker in the character. But one thing is clear - never amplua is not revealed from such an unexpected side.

Biography Lestata

Lestat de Lionkur was born in an overnight in France in the middle of the XVIII century. The wastefulness of the ancestors led to the heir not anything after their death. During his lifetime, wolves are attacked on the son of Marquise, after which it closes in himself. And later with a friend, Nicolas moves to Paris.

The dream closed in himself the Frenchman - to become an actor, but soon he kidnaps the ancient vampire Magnus and draws. The mentor decides to complete his existence, committing suicide. The main character is first faced with loneliness.

But soon he meets his mother. Gabriel is fatally sick, so I wanted to see my son for the last time. Lestat is not able to survive such a loss, so makes the mother of the immortal and first companion. Following the same fate waiting for a better friend of Nicolas. True, he does not humble with the thought of eternal life and goes crazy.

The turning point in the novel is the appearance of Louis De Po Lak, which the hero of the series drew in 1791. The book is among the first person, therefore readers learned that Lestat was experiencing romantic feelings for companion. Almost 100 years, friends enjoy each other's society, but soon Louis becomes boring.

To keep a friend of a friend, who was afraid of the loneliness of the bloodstand, "fades" the syrotrot of Claudia. This story was shielded in the movie "Interview with Vampire".

Subsequently, Claudia and Louis still leave their creator, trying to even poison him and drown in the swamp. But, contrary to the efforts, the vampire abandoned by all survives, making the decision to become mortal. These events have formed the basis of the book "History of the Thief Tel".

Due to the fact that the main character of the cycle tries the blood of the ancient Prattel Akasha, he gets a unique gift - the ability to fly. And with him, the opportunity to kill people at a distance, burning the eyes of their insides.

In the novel, the "Memo-Devil" of the bloodistant travels to hell and paradise, where the Divine Blood of Jesus Christ is coming, after which he flows into anabyosis. And wakes up only with one goal - to resurrect Louis's longtime friend.

Lestat in books and films

The chronology of events taking place in the immortal life of the chief character is traced in the Vampire Chronicles series. The French nobleman shares his experiences and reflections on the meaning of the existence of people. At some point, he even begins to sympathize with a person.

In 1994, Neil Jordan removes the movie of the same name, which was based on the first part of the saga. The role of Lestat played a talented actor Tom Cruise, and the companion Louis - Brad Pitt. The daughter of a peculiar family was the young Kirsten Dunst. Star composition only added points to the successful shielding of the novel. After the film received recognition, Ann Rice sits down for the pen and writes 7 more books in which events are told after parting the main characters.

The second and third part of the cycle about the fate of the main character - "Vampire Lestat" and "Queen of the Cursed" - director Michael Rymer united in one story, which went to the screens called "Queen of the Damned". The main role was taken by Stuart Townsend, despite the fact that the appearance did not correspond to the book image. The role of the hero is a bored immortal, which seeks to worship and glory, so becoming a rock singer. Meeting with Jesse, a researcher of anomalous phenomena, turns all the plans, and the forestet draws it. The film had a smaller success than "interview with the vampire", and critics and viewers took the picture ambiguously.


I lived all my life among those who did not create anything and did not seek something to change something. I'm bitter me to realize that I was nothing but evil that I do not deserve love and at the same time I need it. I know very well to be the one I actually.


  • 1994 - "Interview with Vampire"
  • 2002 - "Queen of the Damned"
  • 2008 - Broadway Music "Lestat"


  • 1976 - "Interview with Vampire"
  • 1985 - "Vampire Lestat"
  • 1988 - "Queen of the Cursed"
  • 1992 - "History of the kidnapper
  • 1995 - "Memo-Devil"
  • 1998 - "Vampire Arman"
  • 2000 - "Merrick"
  • 2001 - "Blood and Gold"
  • 2002 - "Black Cameo"
  • 2003 - "Bloody Hymn"
  • 2012 - "History of Claudia"
  • 2014 - "Prince Lestat"

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