Fedor Belogai - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Director, Rita Dakota 2021



Fyodor Belogai is a multifaceted creative personality. Today he is known to the public as an actor, musician, clipmereker, model. In each of these areas, the guy managed to succeed. At the same time, Fedor does not stand still, but looking for new creative approaches to creativity, is working on different world-class projects. Belogai has its own business that is associated with the world of fashion and art.

Childhood and youth

About the orphanage in the biographies of the clipmaker is known extremely small. The network contains information according to which Belogai was born in Novosibirsk. Also on the available information about the age of a young man can be assumed that he was born in 1987 or 1988. The young man's school years spent in Novosibirsk, tried himself in different spheres, and after a while I decided to move to Moscow.

Personal life

At the end of January 2020, the media spread information that Fedor became a new boyfriend of the Russian pop singer Rita Dakota. A photo appeared on the network that captured a pair in one of the local supermarkets on Bali. At the end of 2019, in "Instagram", the singer, who came to the Indonesian Island to restore creative forces, posted a post about the commercial, filmed by Fedor. The publication was posted a photo of a couple, as well as a video with Belogham. But at that time, the fans of Dakota perceived the guy as a friend of the performer.

The Rita itself in the social network called the clipmaker "My friend" and "Sulmete", so noise was arose in the press about the new novel singer. In addition, in an interview, the celebrity repeatedly repeatedly repeated that after a dramatic divorce with the singer Vlad Sokolovsky closed for a relationship with men. The news that Fedor is a beloved artist, has become truly unexpected to the public.

When a couple found at the supermarket office, the lovers did not hide feelings to each other. The pictures show that Belogai hugs the singer. After the photo was published in the media, Dakota admitted that now her heart is busy. In "Instagram", the performer noted that she no longer trusts the oaths in eternal love, but now understands that happy relationships can last long and bring both joy and inspiration.

Before the appearance of sensational pictures and recognition of Rita, lovers tried to keep feelings hidden from the public. When the novel was revealed, and Fedor, and Dakota began to publish joint video in Storsith. Belogai shoots at Bali Villa, where he lives with his beloved and her little daughter, born in marriage with Vlad Sokolovsky. Nothing is known about the personal life of the musician to the novel with the singer.

Creative career

Having moved to Moscow, Fedor got a job in a large Russian company for one of the top posts. Having worked in it for a while, the young man realized that the work did not give to reveal the creative potential, feel real life. Reducing, Belogai devoted himself to a creative career. Having lived in Moscow for 5 years, the musician and clipmaker decided to leave abroad.

In Los Angeles, the guy has created its own music project called Easy Going. It is based on the writing of dance tracks, mainly in the raw style. In addition, Belogai collected the team of professionals with which the advertising photo shoots began to make for different performers, as well as shoot clips.

One of these clips was made on the song of the Dakota "New Lines". Together with the director Karina Candell Fyodor created a dramatic video. In the center - the story of a loud divorce singer with her husband. Frankness and piercing Clip adds that old frames of happy moments conducted by Vlad and Rita on Bali are included. On the set of this video, there was a familiarity of white with an artist, but then she was depressed from experienced events and did not think about serious relationships.

At the end of 2019, Karina Kandeon in Los Angeles took off a new video for the singer on the song "Electricity". Dakota in an interview told about how the video shooting began. It turned out that Fedor and Karina came to Rita for dinner. By the time Kandell had already thought out the video in the details and picked up a man-model for filming. However, feeling the "sparks" flying from Rita and Fedor, she changed the decision and suggested a guy to play with the executor as a beloved.

The video was emotional and sensual. The couple appears in front of the audience in several locations - at the villa and the ocean coast. Lovers look happy and carefree. Romantic frames are interspersed with more frank. The title of the track perfectly reflected the feeling broken between Rita and Fedor. The artist later noted that it was not she took a lover in the video, and the clip presented her a new boyfriend.

In addition to shooting with the lover, holding photo shoots and recording new tracks, Belogai is seriously engaged in the problems of ecology. He is worried that the nature of Bali, where he spends a lot of time, is actively polluted, and not only tourists, but also by local residents who seem to notice the near-nursing ecological catastrophe. Fedor calls on the Balinese roller consciously refer to garbage disposal. Dakota, posing in his "instagram" video of the beloved, noted which contribution he contributes to the preservation of world ecology.

Fedor Belogai now

Belogai continues to engage in creativity, acts as a feshent producer, arranges photo shoots for models and artists. Spectacular appearance (high growth, slim pumped figure, tattooed on tanned skin) allows him to take part in the fessenix-filming, advertising campaigns. The list of clipmaker and the author of commercials is constantly replenished.

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