Scientology adherents among stars: Hollywood, Tom Cruise, Demi Moore


Scientology adherents believe that a person is a spiritual being that lives several lives. The teaching appeared in the 1950s and since then there were millions of supporters. Among them are famous people who support and promote Gnostic religion.

Tom Cruise

About Scientology Tom Cruz learned from the former wife Mimi Rogers. He was inspired by the teaching so much that all major solutions agree with the mentor. The actor promotes the views of religion, in particular on psychiatry. It believes that it is necessary to destroy this scope of activity.

The failures in his personal life the public binds with the obsession of Tom Cruise by the teachings of Hubbard. He often appears at events with the leadership of the Church and spends a lot of time with them.

Will Smith

Full Will Smith is friends with Tom Cruise, with his filing he became interested in Scientology. In an interview with the American publication, he stated that the Hubbard's doctrine coincides with the bible commandments by 99%. Information appeared that Smith sponsored the construction of a new building of the Church. He visits meetings and studies literature.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez appeared among stars-Scientologists. Her father dedicated 20 years of this religion. From the younger actress showed interest in the teachings of Hubbard. When she was married to Mark Anthony, they were going to give children to church together. In 2014, her girlfriend Lia Remini ceased to be a commitment to Scientology and left the ranks with a scandal. Lopez supported her decision.

Dustin Hoffman

The Hollywood Star of Dustin Hoffman is in support of the teachings of Hubbard. When this religion began to oppress this religion in Germany, the actor stood up for her and signed a protest against the addition of her adherents. Appeared at the collections of the Church. The personality of Hoffman is contradictory, because it actively uses the services of psychologists, despite the fact that religion prohibits.

John Travolta.

The record holder among the Hollywood stars John Travolta has dedicated religion for 40 years. He claims that faith helped him to achieve success, create a family and become happy. Travolta considers himself a priest of Hubbard and adheres to the prescribed rules. In 2019, the actor came to Russia.

Demmy Moor

The star of the "Johns Family" Demi Moore joined the religion when Willis was married to Bruce. The husband forbade her to get involved in this, but she went to the meetings and read the books. The church took advantage of the famous supporter and made an advertisement on her behalf. It did not like Willis, although his wife was not disturbed.

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