Jackson Robert Scott - Photo, Biography, Actor, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Jackson Robert Scott is still quite a young, but very talented actor who increases new best-selling filmography every year. He started with episodic roles, and now has a demand among the directors, since in a short period managed to show himself as an excellent artist. He is an idol not only children who also dream to be on the other side of the television screen, among his fans a lot of and adult movie lovers.

Childhood and youth

Scott's biography began in Arizona, the United States, where he was born in the early autumn of 2008. Probably the parents soon noticed the talent of the Son, and therefore they gave it to pass the acting courses for children, where he mastered many techniques of work on the set.

Despite the young age, the boy collapsed all the information received on the summer, and then demonstrated it in the work. During this period, he had a chance to work with actors from the channels of Nickelodeon and Disney, as well as with the founder of the acting program CGTV Adrian R'mante.

Personal life

In addition to regular filming, Scott leads a saturated personal life. The boy loves to ride a skateboard, often visits the beaches of Los Angeles, plays football and loves animals. He is very active, meets with friends and spends time with his family. This photo is talking about it eloquently, which the actor publishes on a personal page in "Instagram".


Jackson's debut on television earned in 2015. The first role was received by the boy in the series "Think as a criminal", telling about the work of the best investigators of the FBI, which in each series have to deal with complex and confusing situations and analyze the course of thoughts of even the most sophisticated criminals.

In the course of the work, investigators predict further intentions of suspects and prevent them. Scott appeared in the 11th season of the television series, in the 4th episode. And although the young artist in the frame was a short time, he managed to remember the viewer and cause interest from other directors.

In the same year, Jackson gets an episodic character in a multi-sieuled tape "Fear walking dead", and after 2 years later, the boy appears in the film "It". The horror film director Andres Mussetti, based on the novel of Stephen King, brought scott the popularity and turned into a star. The audience struck the episode where the boy was without hand.

After such a loud success in 2018, Scott starred in the film Guy Watch "Leather", who subsequently received the Oscar Award as the best short tape of that year.

Jackson Robert Scott now

Cattle and now removed in films and every year more and more offers from directors to execute roles in the films of different genres. In 2019, a talented acting game he managed to distinguish between the 2nd part of the horror movie "It", in two series of this tape, together with Jackson, worked Bill Scarsgard on the set. He also performed a major role in another horror movie "Insent: rebirth."

In 2019, Scott replenished the cast of the TV series "Klyuchi Lockers", which was supposed to reach screens in 2020. It is based on a series of comics of the American writer Joe Hill.

Jackson performs the role of Bodi Locke, whose father Tyler died, after which he and the mother and other children move to Lovecraft, to the generic estate "House of Keys". There, children are waiting for many mysticism, in different parts of the house they find strange keys that endile their mystical power.

Scott got a character to whom on the film only 6 years old, although the actor at that time was already fulfilled 10. The low growth (145 cm) allowed him to harmoniously fit into the image.

The pilot series of this tape was completed at the beginning of 2019, however, after reviewing it, the director decided to change the main acting staff. Artists playing children of the Locke family, changed, from the old team only Scott left.


  • 2015 - "Think as a criminal"
  • 2015 - "Fear walking dead"
  • 2017 - "It"
  • 2018 - "Leather"
  • 2019 - "It 2"
  • 2019 - "ONENT: Rebirth"

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