Elizabeth Bennet (character) - photo, heroine, "pride and prejudice", Mr. Darcy


Character History

Elizabeth Bennet - the main heroine of the novel "Pride and Prejudice". This is one of the most famous women's images of classical literature, a romantic and sincere girl who is not afraid to tell the truth in the face and will not go to the deal with conscience. It is her image that inspired Helen Fielding to create Bridget Jones.

History of character creation

Whether the real prototype of Elizabeth is unknown. The topic of origin of positive characters, Jane Austin, there is a lot of hypotheses, however, most likely the writer relied not on specific people, but only for the power of imagination. The quotation is preserved from her letter in which she mentions that he wants to create living heroes, but so that they are not a displays of acquaintances. There is also an opinion that Austin has entered Elizabeth with its own character traits or introduced such as it would actually like to become.

Biography Elizabeth Bennette

Elizabeth - the second of five sisters Bennet. This is the owner of charming appearance, albeit distant from classic canons. In the face of the girl there is not a single correct feature, but it is attractive to the manner of communication, a smile and spiritualized look of dark eyes.

At the time of the beginning of the novel heroin 21 years. Elizabeth is friendly with the older sister Jane, with which she is closest in age. Also, the heroine is a favorite of his father, who appreciates her for common sense, and at the same time the least beloved child is a foolish and wrinkled mother. Miss Bennet appears in front of the reader an intelligent young woman, prone to irony, reaching before daring. At the same time, Lizzy, as it is called in a family, a good heart, so her mockery is not angry.

The story of Austin is impersonal, but the author's warm attitude towards the heroine is felt through the emphasis of its positive character traits, a description of relationships with parents, friends, grooms and ill-wishers. The main features of Lizzy are critical thinking and observation. She clearly sees the emptiness of the soul for refined manners, stupidity hidden behind the privileged position in society. Another distinctive feature of Miss Bennet is an impecled fear of mistakes: the least one wants to mistake someone else's sincerity in mistake.

At the same time, Elizabeth does not take an active position, she is a dreamer. It's closer to the position of the observer and the commentator, and the manifestation of the initiative in its plans is not included. Characterization of the character Miss Bennet as a passive is very popular among critics and readers - Elizabeth is often accused of easessly and underestimating the difficult situation of the family.

The girl lives together with his parents and sisters in Longborn's estate. Family life Bennet is boring and monotonne, so Lizzie passionately loves travel and travels that give food to her living mind. The main sadness of the father and mother is the absence of a male heir. None of their children have the right to inherit the father's estate, and therefore girls should get married as luck as possible to not stay without housing and source of income. Before Elizabeth and her sisters there is a problem of a unwanted marriage for the calculation.

The main idea of ​​the book is the development of relations of Elizabeth and the main male character, Mr. Darcy. A new cavalier image is made up of numerous meetings, explanations and observations. From the first hostility, the heroine proceeds to doubts, then begins to regret the sink prejudices and, finally, comes to admiration and aware of the fact that meeting with him is the main event of her life.

Elizabeth Bennet in films

In the screening of 1940, which became very popular, the role of Elizabeth performed Grir Garson. The film was criticized for a thoroughly reworked plot, but the brilliant acting duet Garson with Lawrence Olivier became a true decoration of the paintings. In the frame of the heroine sucks in lush skirts, bows and lace. According to rumors, the filming dresses were borrowed from "worn by the wind" almost without alteration.

In 1995, a television production from BBC was published, where the funny and living miss Bennet played Jennifer El. The British TV company approached the shooting of the novel with all thoroughness, while retaining the storylines and trying to create canonary heroes. The views of Elizabeth towards Mr. Darcy turned out to be particularly tortured, because then a real novel broke out between the actors, so they did not have to try, depicting feelings to each other.

In 2005, a new screen version of Joe Wright was published, in which Elizabeth's role was performed by Keira Knightley. The actress since childhood dreamed of playing a beloved character, but the director first did not want to invite her to the picture, calculating too attractive. Later, Wright changed his mind, deciding that the temperament of Kira will help her to reveal the role. During filming, there were problems related to the fact that Knightley was already preparing for the next project "Domino", for which she had to trim the hair and pump muscles. On the shooting of the final episodes, she wears a wig and dresses with long sleeves so that Elizabeth seemed not too muscular.

In 2016, the original screening of the parody of the Set Graham-Smith "Pride and Prejudice and Zombie", written by Monster-Lita genre. Lily James played the main heroine. According to the story, Bennet's sisters have to solve family problems against the background of an unfolding zombie apocalypse.


For the sake of one person, it is impossible to change the views on decency and virtue. Severance to others - not the best proof of love? Very few people I really love. And even less those about whom I think well. The more I look at the world, the smaller I like it. We love everyone to teach others, although we can only convey to them that, perhaps, not to know something.


  • 1813 - Pride and Prejudice


  • 1940 - Pride and Prejudice
  • 2003 - Pride and Prejudice
  • 2004 - Bride and Prejudice
  • 2005 - Pride and Prejudice
  • 2016 - Pride and Prejudice and Zombies

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