Oleg Mason - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Russian actor Oleg Mason has an extensive filmography. The artist most often plays courageous and strong characters, which is due to its brutal texture. However, high attention to Person Oleg is called not so much acting talent as periodic scandals and rumors associated with his personal life.

Childhood and youth

About the early biography of Oleg knows a bit. He was born in 1976 in the distant Siberian Krasnoyarsk, where the ambitions about glory and wide fame do not always come true. But, apparently, bricklayers from youth believed in his own talent, so, after graduating from school in 1994, went to study at the actor at the local institution of art.

It lasted there, however, just a year, after which he moved to Saratov, where he resumed an attempt to receive acting at the Theater Faculty of the Saratov State Conservatory. A. V. Sobyanova.

The teacher of the guy was the People's Artist of Russia Rimma Ivanovna Belyakova, the leading actress of Saratov theaters. In his youth, Oleg participated in the training performances delivered by the leader, and in 1999 he received a diploma of the university and began working in the local turntage. Masonicov became noticeable and deserved the love of the Saratov public, working on the scene of the theater for three years.

Having moved to Moscow, Oleg continued the theatrical career in the center of drama and directors under the leadership of A. Kazantsev and M. Roschina, as well as in the Production Center "PR-Square". However, over time, the work in the movie came to the fore.

Personal life

In December 2019, Oleg became the hero of the program "in fact," where came to deal with family secrets. The studio was invited to the former wife of the actor Victoria Chernenko, who brings up his son Fyodor. Despite the fact that the spouses have long been divorced, Masonicov supported the connection with the boy and took care of him. However, in an adheated child, Oleg suddenly began to learn the features of his friend Dmitry Dyachenko and suddenly doubted his own fatherhood.

To find out, Fedor is a native son of a man or not, Dmitry Shepelev connected the "heavy artillery", resorting to the detector of lies and DNA test. Examination made it possible to find out who father - with a probability of 99.9% is Masonic. In parallel, it was possible to discuss the mutual betrayal of Oleg and Victoria, so the show turned out to be uncomfortable.

In the studio "In fact," the actor does not appear for the first time: 2 years ago, there was a violently discussed his novel with the sex symbol of the USSR Elena Kondubilan. Oleg's Girl - Teacher of English Daria Neighborhood, who tried to shake the well-deserved artist of Russia, stating that she was too old to twist novels with young and attractive men.

Oleg Mason and Elena Kondubilan

Despite the fact that Kamenschikov and Kondubilan did not advertise a romantic relationship and assured that only the creative partnership binds them, the lie detector brought them to clean water. It turned out that everything was not so innocent between the actors: both changed the partners at that time. This fact confirmed and found in the network photography, where Oleg with Elena is cutely welcome in a cafe. Even on the set "While all at home", Kondubilan met the film crew along with Kamenshchikov, who introduced as a partner in creative duet.

Be that as it may, Daria neighbor still appears in the "Instagram" of the boyfriend, respectively, it can be assumed that everything is fine between the beloved now. The artist regularly replenishes the account with news and fresh snapshots, where he appears with children, friends, colleagues and alone.


Shoulder, tall and brutal bricklayers (a man weighs 89 kg with a height of 185 cm) as if it was created in order to play a fighter of a special forces and a hero-lover in one bottle. Actually, mostly by this actor and is engaged. "Save and survive", "Snake", "hot spot" - from some names of these films can be heroism and harsh male romance.
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Officer, security guard, investigator, military, policeman, bodyguard, a gangster, fighter - in such an amplua Oleg appears most often, and these roles are most often minor. It is found in his asset and frivolous teenage projects like "Ranetas", but he plays there again the gangster. And in the comedy TV series "Deffchonki" bricklayers generally tried himself as a director.

Despite the fact that the artist's filmography has exceeded hundreds of work, the main roles there are not so much, as I would like the actor myself and its fans that celebrate Harizm and persuasiveness, which Oleg exhibits even in minor episodes.

Oleg Moschevikov now

2019 was a yield for the artist: at least 5 paintings with his participation were released on the screens, including "butterflies and birds" with Anna Bashchikova in the lead role. Judging by the publications in "Instagram", the 2020 actor met on the Indian Ocean coast.

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At this time, a 4-serial detective show was started in Russia on TVC channel "Old Guard. Farewell party ", where Mason players played Victor. Returning to Moscow, Oleg again took up work. January 31, he noted the 44th birthday, giving a concert in the club "City"


  • 2004 - "Fighter"
  • 2004 - "Love Adventures"
  • 2006 - "End of Light"
  • 2007 - "Travel Country"
  • 2008 - "Plato"
  • 2009 - "Snake Lair"
  • 2010 - "Once upon a time in the police"
  • 2012 - "Lone Wolf"
  • 2015 - "Black River"
  • 2018 - "Yellow Eye Tiger"
  • 2019 - "Butterflies and Birds"

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