Andrei Astanzaturov - Photo, Biography, Writer, Personal Life, News, Reading 2021



At the end of the summer of 2019 fans of creativity, Vladimir Nabokov, a joyful event was waiting - a virtual tour appeared at the St. Petersburg Museum of the Writer. Now, going to the site, you can consider the pensna and pencils of the author closer, cards with manuscripts, clothes and, of course, the collection of butterflies. As the director of the Cultural Center, Andrei Austzaturov, noted, this project is especially important for foreigners and those who are at a respectful distance from the Northern Capital.

Childhood and youth

"I was born in Leningrad in 1969, on July 7, it was written in a passport. Although in fact in the maternity hospital Zelenogorsk is a small resort town of 40 kilometers from Peter. My mother was brought there from Komarovo, where we have a cottage, "said Astanzaturov in an interview with Moskvichu.

The family of Andrei Alekseevich consisted of hereditary intellectuals: Grandfather - Academician Viktor Zhirmununsky was friends with Joseph Brodsky, Mom studied Russian classics, and his father and grandmother were famous philologists. So love for books accompanied Andrei throughout the life: from early adolescence, he read out Robert Lewis Stevenson, then Fedor Dostoevsky and Ivan Turgenev, in his youth, showing the rebellion, - Jerome Sallinger and Kurt Wannegut.

As a result, the thrust led him in 1986 to the branch of the English philology of the current St. Petersburg State University, then to graduate school, to defending the thesis, the titles of the candidate of science and associate professor.

Actitzaturov read lectures in several Petersburg (as well as American) universities, printed in scientific journals and collections, acted as the author of articles - a complete list of research works on the official website of the man. Now he continues to teach in his hometown, regularly visits scientific conferences, book fairs and TV channels as an expert and consultant.

Personal life

In March 2016, in a conversation with journalists about personal life, a man admitted that he was married three times. And three times parted, until he met the current spouse Ksenia, who gave Andrei two sons - Gosh and Misha. Photos of children and beloved wife can be easily found in the social networks of the writer.

A funny situation that happened at the end of July 2018 is associated with the family of Assistance, which even covered the local media: the eldest child found in Komarovo Snail-mutant, called the parent of the niece of Cthulhu.


The writer's debut of Actitzaturov turned out to be more than successful - the book "People in the Golt", published in 2009, and the "Skunskamer" appeared for the next year, was honored to hit the short- and long lists of prestigious literary awards. But the path to the top was on the tradition of thorny - several publishers returned the manuscript of their creator with the tips to quit this ungrateful matter. However, a man stood on his own, and not in vain.

"" People in the goal "is not a novel in the usual sense of the word. This is rather an assembly of ladies or stories-memories, built as a bike, which one friend tells another in the kitchen when the warm lamp. In general, like Grishkovets, only well, "the enthusiastic readers shared.

"Autumn in the pockets", which replenished the bibliography in 2015, was created in the genre of a fictional biography and tells about the transformation of the "unfortunate botan" in the listener, and then in the story of the funny stories in the style of Sergei Dovlatov.

Andrei Astanzaturov Now.

In 2019, in the professional life of Andrei Alekseevich, there was at least two important events - in the spring he took the post of director of the Museum of Vladimir Nabokov, and in the summer he released a new novel "Do not feed and touch Pelicans.""This is a European urban romance with developed plot lines. He is primarily a philosophical, who has fallen about freedom of will, about a person, about his relationship with the plan, that people hear poorly understand each other, they try to change the world, which is clearly not worth doing, "he explained.

Also, the author is ready to reveal to everyone who wishes the secrets of literary creativity with the help of the workshop created together with Dmitry Walnut and copyright programs.


  • 2009 - "People in the Golcome"
  • 2010 - "Skunskamera"
  • 2015 - "Autumn in Pockets"
  • 2019 - "Do not feed and do not touch Pelicans"

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