Sean Murphy (character) - photo, "good doctor", surgeon, autistist, actor Freddie Hymore


Character History

Sean Murphy is the protagonist of the popular American series "Good Doctor", the director of whom David Shor became. The image of the doctor turned out to be unusual - the young man has an autistic spectrum disorder (races), as well as Savante's syndrome. Thanks to this syndrome, the hero knows how to accurately recognize diagnoses of patients, find non-standard solutions in difficult situations, remember a huge amount of information related to patients. At the same time, autism prevents the full-fledged communication of the doctor with others.

History of character creation

The American series went on screens in 2017. The basis of the television project was the Multi-Senior Korean film, shot in 2013. The role of the main character was received by the young actor Freddie Haymore, famous viewers of the Karlie and Chocolate Factory film, "August Rush" and others. The director of the series David Shore instructed the artist to write a script for the first episode of the project.

Freddie, with all seriousness and responsibility, approached this work, in parallel cooperating with professional scenarios, studying the peculiarities of people with autism, the nature of their behavior. The main character was deliberately made by a man with races, because recently such people appear more, and the task is to make their lives of comfortable, calm, and their own - socialized.

The image of the surgeon was thought out carefully, to the smallest details. Like many authors, Sean has an object that helps the hero at the time of panic and mental anxiety. This is a plastic knife, which the doctor wears in the towel and takes into severe moments for emotional state. In addition, the character has a favorite wardrobe subject - a baseball cap, which Murphy puts on inoperative time.

Despite the fact that for people suffering from races is characterized by a state not involving personal development, the surgeon changes throughout the 3-seasons of the series. The guy learns to communicate with others, to understand humor and respond to it, to build relationships with girls. A big role in the changes in the hero plays communication with Aaron Glassman, who saw the talent of the surgeon in the young man and invited to work to a prestigious hospital in San Jose. Glassman's disease gives rise to a sense of empathy and care for close.

Biography Sean Murphy

As a child, the main character grows in a full family, with loving parents. Soon, his father and mother understand that the Son is characterized by behavior from other children. Medical examination makes a verdict - the boy is ill with autism. Sean's parents propose to place the child in a special institution for the same small patients, but they refuse, preferring to make a diagnosis of son and help Murphy to get used in the world around.

Nevertheless, heavy moments meet in the boys. In adolescence, the hero is experiencing peer pressure, which are mocking over a classmate different from them. Such moments later, already adult, the surgeon recalls excitement and anxiety. Love and care of parents help the character to choose the path that is most interesting and fascinated for him. Sean is seriously engaged in medicine, showing herself as a promising specialist.

The President of the Hospital in San José Aaron Glassman will know about the talent of the young man. The man invites you to a young doctor to work in the surgical department, but against this decision is the board of directors of the hospital. Members of the Council cannot agree with the fact that the practitioner surgeon will be a person suffering from autism.

Meanwhile, Sean arrives in California and already at the airport demonstrates professionalism. The guy sees how an advertising shield falls on the child, and is undertaking actions to save the victim. Having arrived at the hospital, the surgeon proceeds to the duties under the leadership of Dr. Neil Meltends. From this point on, the main character is involved in a series of hospital working days that are preparing for him many complex and vivid situations.

Over time, the achievement of a young doctor is changed to his colleagues. Murphy brilliantly performs complex operations, and excellent memory helps the young man find solutions for cases that seem insoluble. But not all turns out to be easy in the work of a young doctor. Being honest and sincere, the character tells patients about the problems possible during operation. This leads to the fact that often patients refuse treatment.

Over time, the surgeon is learned to communicate with colleagues and patients, understand humor and irony. The process of socialization of the guy contributes to the neighbor Leia Dilallo. Once, during a joint trip, Leia offers Sean to try alcohol, get behind the wheel and even get acquainted with the girls. From this point on, the character's rebirth begins gradually.

Nevertheless, externally, Murphy retains signs of autistic behavior. The hero has a neat hairstyle that the doctor straightens three of the same movements. When the hero goes to work, he chooses smooth lines on the sidewalk and considers steps. Such an order in everyday things gives him peace of mind and does not lead to nervous breakdowns. In the second season of Sean, despite the disease, romantic relations with Dr. Claire Brown are tied.


  • 2017-2018 - "Good Doctor" (Season 1)
  • 2018-2019 - "Good Doctor" (Season 2)
  • 2019- ... - "Good Doctor" (season 3)

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