John Golt (Character) - Photo, Ain Rand, Monologue, Oath, Individualism, Hero of the Roman


Character History

John Golt - the leading figure of Roman-Antiutopia "Atlant straightened the shoulders" American writer Ain Rand. The hero appears only in the third part of the novel, but from the first pages of the Rand, this scientist, the philosopher is invisible. Characters as actions develop are forced to wonder: "Who is John Golt?". In the novel, the young man personifies the courage, the struggle for the interests of creative people.

History of character creation

Creating novel-antiutopia, the writer conceived and the image of the main character, endowed with the features of exceptionality. Only such a character could change the opinion of the people, the story of people of creatures, thinking to a better life. In a world where everyone talks about money, where the monopoly rules, the natural order of things is disturbed. The world holds only on scientists, artists who prefer not to depend on corporations.

John stands for the ideas of individualism, believes that it is impossible to maintain a system that is aimed at achieving social interests to the detriment of the creators. Personal interests are above all, the merits of talented people should be paid respectively. The order that people of art and science contributes to the chaos of the Universe, compared with the feat of the mythical titan of Atlanta, holding the sky on the shoulders. The main character of the novel also includes the "titans".

In the speech of the hero, the writer invested his own ideas. The character has no historical or literary prototype - the engineer has become a "product" of the author's artistic imagination. Rand founded the philosophical course of rational individualism, contrastful collectivism. In the book, John has the same looks as Ain. The writer created the perfect image that exists at the expense of its own gifting, mind and talent. In addition, the author "awarded" scientist attractive appearance and charismaticness.

Biography and image of John Golty

About the biography of the character knows a little. John was born in Ohio in the Family of the Autchanica. When the teenager turned 12 years old, Golt left the house of his parents. A few years later, the young man became a student of Patrick Henry College. Here the character finds friends - Francisco and Ragnar. The guys explore physics and philosophy under the guidance of talented scientists - Robert Steadler and Hugh Exton. Three buddies demonstrate deep knowledge - boys recognize the best college students.

After graduating, Golt receives the position of engineer at the factory. Here the young man seeks to realize the knowledge gained, use them for the benefit of society. Soon, the hero invent an innovative engine based on static electricity. Thanks to this mechanism, you can change the world - it was earlier that the aggregates of this type cannot be created.

John does not agree with the policy of managing the plant, which wishes to introduce the form of collectivism in production - from each of the abilities, to everyone according to needs. The engineer understands that in this situation his merit will be impaired, and leaves the plant, stopping the invented mechanism. Then, under the auspices of Golta, the same talented and progressive, as the character himself, people themselves, are combined. John calls on scientists and business people to participate in a strike, speaking against laws that violate their rights.

In addition, the hero holds meetings with industrialists, urges to abandon production. The above-mentioned proofs convince businessmen to follow John's advice. A secret society is created - the city, hidden in the Mountains of Colorado. Accidentally, the heroine of Roman Dagney Taggert, the owner of the railway company falls. A young woman perceives Golta as an enemy. However, over time, having acquainted with the philosophy of the hero, the life of people in the city, becomes with them at the same time.

Young scientist performs with a long speech-manifesto, which sets out ideas. In this monologue, a man recognizes only the mind and the need for happiness. To be happy, you need to develop such qualities as creativity, justice, pride, honesty and others. Phrases from this speech became popular quotes. In addition, a man gives an oath in which she promises that he will not live for another person and will not force a person to live for him.

Meanwhile, the government learns about the existence of a "secret" city, about the ideas of an engineer and requires John's arrest. When the character refuses to cooperate with the authorities, it decides to put in the bunker, where they plan torture with electric shock. However, the generator burns out, Golt remains alive, and like-minded men save the Hero of the novel from the bunker. John together with the inhabitants of the city and Dagney leaves the country.

John Golt in movies

The novel of American writer was shielded only in the XXI century. In 2011, the first part was published in the movie, the director of whom was Paul Johansson. In the film, the image of Golta performed the director himself. But since at the beginning of the novel, the hero is a mysterious person who caresses many questions and not appearing in public, the creator of the picture presented a character as a silhouette.

The second part of the novel was removed in 2012 - Golt was not put into the number of actors. And only in the third film, in the film appearing in 2014, the audience was able to get acquainted with the hero. This time the role was played by the actor Cristoffer Polah. The artist managed to convey the character of the engineer, the behavior of the leader and the other.


I swear your life and love for her that I will never live for another person and never ask for a different person to live for me. He moved to his goal, discarding everything that did not have a relation to her - as in The world around the world, so in itself. If you are going to keep your word, you do not need to talk about it, just hold it.


  • 1957 - "Atlant straightened his shoulders"


  • 2011 - "Atlant straightened his shoulders" (part 1)
  • 2014 - "Atlant Retained Shoulders" (Part 3)

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