Common errors in the treatment of cough


Cough, as a symptom, is associated with a cold. However, an unpleasant condition, bruised on samonek, will be wrapped by a chronic disease. About errors in the treatment of cough - in the editorial material 24cm.

Self pass

Common errors in the treatment of cough

"Pass a couple of weeks and will pass," the inhabitants of the metropolis and mistake arise. If the cough does not do, but to sit and wait when the symptom will disappear independently, then the disease will take chronic character. An irritated permanent cough bronchi will begin to react to temperature differences, cold or dry air, sharp smells.

Cough will appear after jogging or even when the breath is rapidly. Help in such a situation will be more difficult. Do not wait for the cough to become a permanent companion, and go for the recommendation of the doctor when the symptom only appeared.

I know that take from cough

According to such a principle, he was treated as a cold in childhood: herbal infusion, crimson jam and warm socks helped religious symptoms. In adults, the list of medicines that were accepted during the cough were replenished: antibiotics, expectorant and antitussive drugs were prescribed by doctors.

However, cough may cause diseases that are not associated with a virus or supercooling. Use drugs that remained from the "last time" is unacceptable. Incorrect treatment aggravates the state, leads to changes in the disease of the disease and even speeds up the chronization of the process, and therefore not be lazy to walk to the clinic and pass the survey. The doctor will prescribe a treatment that will help in a particular case.

Must be warmer

Common errors in the treatment of cough

An erroneous tactic is only thickening wet in bronchi and make it difficult to eliminate the secret from the body. If an unpleasant symptom occurs, it is recommended to maintain the temperature in the room in the interval + 18-23 ° C and the air humidity of about 50%, which will help solve and eliminate sputum.

A widespread error belongs to hot tea with honey for children. The drink with the disease do not above 40 ° C, and the use of honey, as a strong allergen, it is better to reduce to 1-2 spoors per day.

Mustard and banks will help cope with cough

Procedures refer to the category of distracts: Soviet medicine did not tolerate expectations and offered to accelerate recovery with warmth. At present, the benefits of compresses, banks and mustard pieces have not been proven. The local exposure to heat increases the temperature in the skin and does not affect the state of the bronchi.

Treatment of herbs replaces the appointment of a doctor

Common errors in the treatment of cough

No one will argue with the utility of phytotherapy, but it is difficult to calculate the dosage of the folk agent. While synthetic drugs have passed clinical studies and are active to symptoms with the minimum risk of side effects. Therefore, the treatment of herbs is recommended to coordinate with the attending physician.

Remember: Cough is a symptom of the disease. Only a doctor can diagnose and prescribe treatment. Take care of yourself.

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