Hair Recycling at Home: Methods, Masks, Dry, Damaged


Wrong curls and exposure to a hairdryer or an iron make them brittle and dull. Hairstyle becomes less luxurious, ends shakes. To restore hair, it is not necessary to contact the beauty salon, it is possible to do it at home.


Ways to restore hair

Avocado contains potassium, iron, copper, which are indispensable to the health of curls. The fruit contains vitamins of group A, B, as well as folic acid. Saving damaged hair will help a mixture of avocado, yolk, olive oil, honey. The ingredients are mixed and applied to the head. Before this, the head is washed using Balzam. Do not apply a mask on the roots, the mixture is distributed only along the length. After half an hour, wash your head with warm water. This method will make Locks strong and shiny.

Kefir and egg

Kefir contains yeast, protein, calcium, vitamins of groups A and E. The product is suitable for any type of hair. It is necessary to mix kefir, egg, honey. So that the hair does not become fat after applying the mask, all ingredients are added in the exact proportion. Kefir - 2-3 spoons, honey - 1 spoon and 1 whipped yolk. After careful mixing, the composition is applied to the lap. It is necessary to distribute the mixture evenly, the roots to miss. Keep the mask an hour, then rinse using shampoo.


Ways to restore hair

Effective way to make dry hair alive and shiny - use the coconut and olive oil. First before use you need to warm so that it becomes liquid. Then coconut oil is mixed with olive in glassware and warm again. Apply on the hairstyle hot, distributing along the entire length. You can keep the mixture any amount of time, most importantly - at least 20 minutes.

Rye bread

In Rzhan bread contains vitamins of group B, acid, gluten, microelements. It has a positive effect not only on the appearance of the hairstyle, but also on the blood circulation of the scalp. Balsam from bread is useful after staining. The recipe for cooking is simple, so you can add any woman to curls. Rye bread flooded with boiling water and insisters 30-40 minutes. The resulting cashem is applied to the head and leaves for half an hour. After it is thoroughly washed off. So that the effect is visible right away, an egg or honey is added to the mixture.


Cognac is based on alcohols, organic acids and biological substances. It is effective thanks to the rich composition. Saving dim hairstyle under cognac mixed with sour cream and yolk. Before use, wash your head, but without a rinsing balm. All ingredients are mixed while the towel absorbs excess moisture from the hair. The "Turban" from the head is removed, and Cashier is distributed throughout the chapel. After 40-60 minutes after treatment, we can wash the mass of brandy with warm water.

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