Robert Langdon (Character) - Photo, Professor, Adventure, Tom Hanks, Sophie Neva


Character History

Robert Langdon is the main character of the Book of Dan Brown. He is a hero of novels in the genre of a conspiracy detective, displacing conspiracies and crimes due to the moderation and knowledge of history. On the screen, Langdon embodied Tom Hanks.

History of character creation

According to the author, he himself became the prototype of the character himself, more precisely, the image he would like to fit. By origin, Robert is an American. Brown attributed to the reinforced scientist his date and place of birth - June 22, 1964, the city of Exeter in the state of New Hampshire.

The name Hero was given in honor of John Langdon, Professor of Drexel University, which is known as the Creator of Ambigrams - Calligraphic Patterns, in which 2 or more meanings are encrypted. In an interview, the writer mentioned that he admires them and considers one of the most ingenious scientists in the world.

Biography Robert Langdona

Robert is a professor at the Gardvard University, studying the symbolism and history of the arts. Every morning, he begins with a visit to the pool, for which colleagues gave him a nickname Dolphin. By 2003, Langdon published a lot of scientific work on the meaning of characters. In the "Da Vinci code" it is mentioned that it is working on a book about the symbols of the female start.

Among women colleagues, the hero uses attention, although it is not considered a recognized sex symbol. His appearance is far from classic beauty canons. Langdon has insightful blue eyes, pale leather, thick dark hair with a seabling, chin with a smell and a discouraging charming smile. The scientist has a pleasant baritone, for which he is especially loved by female students. Thanks to Robert's swimming classes, a tightened body and confident gait.

In "Angels and Demones" it is mentioned that Langdon looks like Harrison Ford in a tweed suit. He prefers to dress in the same style regardless of the reason: both at the lecture, and on personal holidays the character comes in a turtleneck, tweed jacket, khaki color trousers and gutted leather shoes. Langdon's light eccentric emphasizes the choice of accessories: So, the hero wears a wrist watch with Mickey Mouse, presented to him in childhood parents.

Among students, the character is considered a strict teacher who is extremely involved in compliance with the discipline, but sometimes loves and joke. He is not just a bookworm and a typical journal professor - Robert knows how to interact with the crowd, knows how to pay attention to and succeed. He has solid beliefs, for example, about the deceit of the ancient myths, but he is ready to listen and someone else's point of view, glad to talk to the abstract topics - from religion to information technology.

Robert suffers from claustrophobia. This is the consequence of the incident, which happened to him at the 7th age - the boy fell into the well and could not get out of there for a long time. Langdon's father died when he was 12. As regards religion, the scientist mentions that he was raised in the Catholic faith, but the idea of ​​God remained alien to him. Despite the mature age, Robert has no wife, nor children, and he never associated himself as marriage.

The character is famous among colleagues close to genius mind and ability to solve riddles. Robert has photographic memory, largely due to which he has reached heights in the profession of the scientist.

Robert Langdon in books and films

The "Code of Vinci" became the most popular book with the participation of the hero, however, according to the author's chronology, this is the 4th romance about him. For the first time Langdon appears in the "Digital Fortress", published in 1998.

In the "Angels and Demones", the second book of the cycle about the adventures of Langdon, the hero attracts to the investigation of the death of one of the members of the European Organization for Nuclear Research. Searches lead a scientist and his companion a vittoria of wind into the Vatican, to the remnants of the ancient Order of the Illuminati. He will have to reveal a conspiracy of the destruction of humanity and find a container with antimatistry, which criminals hid in the Vatican Palace.

In an expensive adaptation of the book, removed in 2009, events do not fully comply with the book presentation. For shooting in the film Tom Hanks received a huge fee - more than $ 51 million.

In the "Da Vinci code", the Langdon's companion, a police-cryptograph Sophia Neveel, played Audrey Tyu.

Books and films based on Dan Brown's novels invariably caused indignation of the Catholic Church and at the same time approval of critics, which, closing their eyes on the author's liberties and historical unreliability, noted other advantages in them - an exciting plot, a convincing game of actors, a light syllable and an abundance of curious cultural references.


  • 2006 - "Da Vinci Code"
  • 2009 - "Angels and Demons"
  • 2016 - "Inferno"


  • 1998 - "Digital Fortress"
  • 2000 - "Angels and Demons"
  • 2001 - "Point of deception"
  • 2003 - "Da Vinci Code"
  • 2009 - "Lost Symbol"
  • 2013 - "Inferno"
  • 2017 - "Origin"

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