Antonio Gaudi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Architect, Cause



Antonio Gaudi is the famous Spanish architect who managed to turn the presentation of contemporaries about the architecture of the twentieth century. The streamlined, the bizarre forms of the houses designed for them forever changed the appearance of Barcelona and proclaimed the birth of Catalan Modern, reminding humanity about the inseparable connection with nature.

Childhood and youth

The future builder of modern architecture was born in the summer of 1852 in the Catalan province, the town of Riudoms, where he had a country house with his wife, Frances and his wife Antona. But the appearance of Gaudi on the light is a white spot of biography. According to another version, he was born in the city of Reus.

The full name of the newborn Spaniard, who surprised the world of the fantastic form of buildings, - Anthony Placid Gillem Gaudi-I-Kornet.

The newborn became the fifth and younger offspring of the Gaudi family. And, as it turned out, the only one who lived to old years. Two brothers died by children, the third passed away with a teenager. The sister left this world shortly after his daughter's birth.

In 1868, Gaudi moved to Barcelona, ​​where Antonio graduated from the preparatory courses and became a student of the architectural school. During his studies, he worked as a drawer from famous urban masters.

Personal life

In the late 1870s, Antonio with his father and niece moved to Barcelona. Seven years later, Gaudi-senior died, and in 6 years she did not and girls. In 60 Gaudi remained alone. Since childhood, he suffered from rheumatic pains, he found a reflection in two things - work and hiking.

On the few surviving photos it is clear that Antonio was fart and rich. But personal life did not work out. The name of the only woman he had the sign of attention is a teacher Joseph Moro. However, she never became his wife. Children, who could give Gaudi to give knowledge and condition, he did not.

In old age, the architect closed in himself, loved loneliness, became a believer. Many considered him rude and arrogant, but friends assured that Antonio is different. If in his youth, he loved the expensive costumes, was a regulatory of the theater and gourmet, then in old age became Ascetic, which on the street was accepted for a beggar.


The debut work of the young architect was gas lights, which graduate school entrusted to design the city council. They decorate Barcelona today.

In the 1870s, Antonio Gaudi worked over insignificant projects - developed elements of temples and planned store pavilions. Being a client of the fashionable glovenary shop "Comelia", designed a showcase. The work had to do the owner, and he instructed the young gown to come up with a stand for his goods, which sent to the World Exhibition in the French capital.

The stand caught on the eyes of the Euseby Guell textile industrial industry, which wished to meet a talented author.

In those years in Europe, there was a non-neutic style boom, which young Gaudi admired. But his fantasy flight was not limited to the framework of classical gothic and led to modern. And Gulell helped to realize creative ideas, later became a friend of Gaudi. His money and talent of the masters created the first masterpieces - House Vicens, the wine cellar, the garden and the Palace of the industrialist on Rambla Street. Euseby brought Antonio to the light, introducing with other potential customers.

Surface curves, bizarre forms and incredible color solutions become a handwriting of the Matra, along which his masterpieces will find out at first sight. Glory comes to Gatva, and with it and large-scale projects. Now orders in a brilliant architect make not only rich, but also the city authorities.

In the first decade of 1900, Gaudi created the symbols of Barcelona: Calvet and Mila houses, Balo House. These buildings and today remain the main pride of the city. But the central project of the whole life of the master is called the Church of the Holy Family, the construction of which began in 1884.

Antonio took up work when the temple was half-ready: Francisco Colleague Del Villar threw him because of a quarrel with the customer. Gaudi reloaded the building and managed to realize much of the conceived, but the temple was never completed.

The genius of a man pushed contemporaries to the idea of ​​canonizing Gaudi, making the saints, patronizing all architects.


Too modest robe and Nishchensky species became the indirect cause of the death of a great architect. Scattered Matra on the street hit the tram. But the cab driver, who expressed the desire to carry the Hospital of the wounded and lost consciousness of the poor man, was not found.

A few hours later, Gaudi was still delivered to the hospital for beggars. On the second day, the dying 73-year-old architect learned the chamber of the Sagrada Temple, but it was too late.

Antonio Gaudi buried in the crypt of the unfinished church of the Holy Family.


  • 1882 - Redeemer Church of the Holy Family
  • 1883-1888 - Vicens House
  • 1884-1885 - El Capricho
  • 1886-1889 - Palace of Guele
  • 1895-1898 - Guell's Wine Care
  • 1898-1900 - Calvet House
  • 1900-1902 - House Figueres
  • 1906 - Balo House
  • 1909-1910 - Parish school at the temple of the Atonement of the Holy Family
  • 1910 - Mila House

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