5 Budget Sweaters in the style of Alexander Gudkov with a photo


Perhaps no one in the Russian show business can so elegantly wear any clothes, even female, as inimitable Alexander Gudkov. What he just did not try on himself - and the categorous tights into the grid on the naked body, and the costume of Snow Maiden, and narrow pants in which it seems to be dangerous.

As for his own style, the co-host "Evening Urgant" admitted that there were slippers for ceremonies in his wardrobe, and he himself, embarrassed thin, prefers to carry Oversisizes.

1. Sweater with patterns

Trendy experts advise representatives of strong sex in their wardrobe a warm sweater on autumn with a winter, Scandinavian or computer print. Moreover, bizarre ornaments and patterns can both completely cover clothing and partially. For example, only under the throat and to the shoulders. The absence of a standing collar will allow you to "exhaust" down the shirt so as not to freeze and add official style.

Male sweater with christmas print
Male Christmas Sweater Printed price

2. Sweater with tit

In November 2018, in the heading "Strizhem on the first", Alexander, according to tradition, got involved in a mad experiment and reincarnated in the heroine Elena Safonova from the "Winter Cherry". In addition to identical hairstyles, the showman corresponded to the central character of the film Olga and a cloak, and a white sweater with a tit. We ordered a similar outfit unisex English mating in blue, red, blue and even yellow are automatically considered in the autumn trend - 2019.Sweater like Gudkova from "Stick on the first" to know the price

3. Multicolored sweater

Combine incompatible, do not be afraid to look ridiculous and wild - this is perhaps the main Credo Gudkov. A similar approach is welcome and when choosing a player without fasteners and sleeves for the precinction period - 2019. It is suitable and contrasting white with black, the colors of the Brazilian flag or lemon ice cream with chocolate, and "color", like two geese from the children's song.

Combine incompatible
Multicolored sweater like goodwalk

4. Sweater with animal and bird print

Sweaters with all sorts of images of the brothers of our smaller - feathered, growling, launder - turn their owner in an incredible fashion and style. By the way, with regard to the animal world on its own attire, Alexander Gudkov in an interview with Russian Esquire reported that he had a strange model with beetles. "As if I swept on a motorcycle, and they shuffle me. If there was a movement "insects on the prints", I would join him, "he explained.

Printed animal sweater
Animal sweater Printed price

5. Extra long sweater

It is very unusual and stylishly a long-standing bright sweater, but it should be remembered that this style will emphasize the dignity of only a high man. And it should be worn in everyday life and in no way into the office, a business meeting or an official event. For walking in a cold time, a convenient model of large size is suitable, so the favorite Ex-captain of the KVN team "Fedor Dvynyatin".

Extra long sweater
An extended sign

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