Anton Chigur (character) - photo, image, appearance, psychological portrait


Character History

Anton Chigur - the main villain of the novel "old men there is no place", one of the most charismatic and merciless heroes in the history of cinema. The psychological sweating of a psychopath murderer is discharged with such a thoroughness that his realism recognizes not only the audience, but also professional psychiatrists.

History of character creation

The hero is invented by the American novelist Kormac McCarthy. The author mentions that Chigur wondered as "the embodiment of pure evil." He works on a gang of drug dealers, "removing" from the path of unwanted people. Murder for ChURA - an acceptable way to solve any problem: He without thinking kills to pick up the car, or for refusing to inform the desired address. Other methods - bribes, deception, persuasion - he despises.

The character kills without remorse and does not suffer from repentance, because I am sure that it is a weapon of fate. The fatalism of the hired killer "is highlighted" by an episode at refueling, when he solves the fate of an outsider with a tossing coin.

At the same time, Chigur does not have pleasure from what he does. He goes to the goal, and if he kills by chance, it is guided only by a rational motive - the destruction of the evidence. For the hero, this is a matter of survival, not cruelty. Such traits of character as the ability to empathize, the sense of humor, is not peculiar to him.

Chigur is an extremely convincing villain, since its image has been worked out to the slightest details. He is recognized as one of the most realistic cinema psychopaths. Most likely, he suffers from the classic (idiopathic) form of psychopathy - for such people there is really no difference, to shoot in the door lock or in human head.

The hero is important to remain unrecognized, so he monitored with painful reliability for everyone who shows attention to him: for example, for this reason, a seller from refueling was hardly lost for this reason. It adds to the "bouquet" of the character diagnoses also paranoia.

Cool Chigur is clearly revealed in the scene, where he processes his leg after injury. The hero is clearly understandable in medicine and the underestimated hand makes itself an operation on the extraction of the fraction. His actions are techniques and are designed, it is not afraid of pain and blood and is not experiencing about the consequences.

Biography Anton Chigur

About the biography of the hero is almost nothing known. This is an intentional author's course in the novel, and in the movies: once Chigur is not a person, but the incarnation of evil, then he has no past, no future. For the first time, the audience meets the killer in the stage of his detention: here he sits on a chair, and next minute he already sews the charm chain from handcuffs. Later it is explained that the villain deliberately gave himself to catch to check if he could free the "effort of will".

As for appearance, in the book of Chigur - a young dark man with blue eyes. The fragrance of perfume, mixed with the smell of drugs, comes from it, and the features of the face and manners are marked by "strange raid." Anton Chigur leisure and does not endure a rush. He follows the trail of the victims, like a self-equipped torpedo, and even in dangerous situations it does not run and does not hide.

Favorite weapon Curiga is a pneumatic gun with a retractable rod used on slaughterhouses. Being clumsy in appearance, the weapon nevertheless does not leave the victims of a single chance: after pressing the trigger hook, the compressed air pushes a metal rod from the blow, penetrating the skull bones.

Anton Chigur in films

In the film "Old men there is no place" the role of Chiguri performed the Spanish actor Javier Bardem. Participation in film adaptation brought to him "Oscar" and "Golden Globe" for the best male role of the second plan.

To accept the offer of the Koenov brothers Bardem agreed not immediately, saying that he did not consider himself a suitable villain, since he hated violence, he could not drive a car and speaks poorly in English, but in the end he agreed.

In the first weeks of shooting, the actor, by nationality, the Spaniard, tried very much to hide his accent. The result of his effort was rather unbearable, the terrestrial pronunciation, which Cohen decided to make the hero's "chicken". The artist in the costumes Mary Zofres created for the chiber of outfits and special shoes - rude shoes from the skin of the Alligator, which looked also gloomy and aggressively, like the character himself.

The makeup artist Paul Leblan took the hero of the strange hairstyle - long hair, combed on the oblique sample (in the original work of McCarthy there was no it). To create an image, it inspired the fashion of the 1960s and the vintage images of the Crusaders. Later, the Chigur will call the owner of the most ridiculous hairstyle in the history of the cinema. The artist later joked that with such a stacking, it was not even necessary to try to look strange - everything turned out by itself.


If your principles led to this end, what kind of prods from them? There are two kinds of people who do not ask many questions. Some too stupid, others do not need to ask to understand everything. After that, it doesn't matter what I am for a person. You will not be scary to die if you take me a villain.


  • 2005 - "old men are not a place"


  • 2007 - "old men are not a place"

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