Alena Kravets - biography, personal life, photo, news, songs, husband, "Instagram", plastic 2021



Alena Kravets (in the Magliest Kruglikov) - Russian actress, singer, producer and model. Such multifaceted woman explains what was born under the sign of the zodiac twins and one and the same moment could be different. In life and in relationships appreciates Drive and sharp feelings, does not like to be a victim and object of manipulations.

Childhood and youth

Alena was born in Moscow on May 30, 1985 in the family of military and teacher MSTU. Nikolai Bauman. The girl was the only child - there were no more children in the family. Childhood passed in the area of ​​pure ponds. Back in adolescence, the scouts of the modeling agency drew on a kravetsy, distinguished by a spectacular figure. In his youth, the beauty signed the contract and began to go to the podiums in Russia, Germany, Italy and America.

Despite the experiences of parents about the successful study of his daughter, the student managed to complete the legal admission, and then the MSU, where he received the formation of a psychologist.

Later, Alena was trained in the courses of acting skills at Alexey Borodin and the pop vocals in Nikolai Vasilyeva. To both directions of creativity, Kravets was trained at Gitis. In addition, the girl began to work in the dance studio "Todes" Alla Dukhovova, but in the end he became not a dancer, but a singer.


Once at the Alena party, there are several songs for the sake of entertainment. The vocals heard representatives of show business, who convinced the girl in what was worthwhile to music at a serious level. The first clip of the beginning of the singer was the video for the song "Just Movie", followed by several dozen hives.

Since 2012, the official Yutiub-Channel of the singer has been operating, in which she lay out new clips and shooting TV shows with her participation. But the novelties appear on the canal rarely - in 2017 the composition "I am not yours" came out, in June 2019 the premiere of the track "I am not like everyone else" took place, and in October 2020, the actress released a new song "Between us."

Films and television

After the end of the courses at Gitis Alena made his debut in cinema. At first, the actress appeared in the episodes of the TV series "Daddy's daughters" and "happy together", and later received roles in the adventure detective "fatal inheritance" and medical melodrama "Zemsky Doctor. Love contrary to "

Alena is a frequent guest on television. The singer is regularly invited to discuss various topics in the television show. In search of happiness, the model participated in the TV show Larisa Guzeyeva "Let's get married!" Where a former guy Ksenia Borodina spoke with the bridegroom - Mikhail Terekhin. A man opted his choice for Krasets, but the novel did not work.

In February 2017, the secular lioness became the guest of the program "in fact," where the case of the robbery of the house of the actress of its housekeeper Sofia Voskresenski was considered.

In August, Alena and Ruslana Kravets, as well as the photographer, who once found an ex-spouse in the house of the singer, took place in the air of the same Tok Show. Dmitry Shepelev. The ether remembered the artist to the scandal and beating, which subsequently refuted the former husband of the stars. The program it turned out that in the mansion of the model, hidden camcorders were placed in advance, thanks to the records from which Ruslan recognized private details from the life of the ex-wife.

In October 2018, Chet Kravets was again in the epicenter of the scandal. The housekeeper named Veronika Ilina, 3 years old stored silence, suddenly stated that she gave birth to a daughter from her husband Alena. Ruslan communicating with a woman did not deny, but paternity tests showed that the child has another parent.

In October 2018, Alena came to the program "Fashion sentence", where experts in the fashion world picked up the actress new outfits for wardrobe.

In 2019, the model again fell into the scandalous situation. She joined the Internet Battle with Evgenia Smorodinovaya, a multiple world champion in body fitness, accusing a girl in the absence of femininity and consumption of chemicals that destroy their health. Also Alain unequivocally hinted that the athlete needs a psychiatrist. The reaction followed immediately: Smorodinov suggested a kravets to fight in the ring, after which go to court.

In September 2019, the name of Alena again fell on the first bands of the tabloid. Kravets posted several personal photos on the network, taken near the grave of Julia at the beginning. Thus, she honored the memory of his colleague, from the date of death of which was exactly half a year. But many follovers of the deceased star found such pictures with blasphemous. Actress had to "fight off" from numerous accusations to his address. She gave a promise to pay a new monument to the beginning.

In May 2020, Alena caught her husband Ruslan Kravets in treason with Dana Borisov, which became the topic for the next transfer "in fact." This is not the first case of public family proceedings Kravets in this show - In 2018, she found out the relationship with Merz Ksenia, which decided to pay attention to the spouse of the actress

In March, the Studes of the Star Program came together, Kravets told that she would choose her hair and enjoy the wigs on the set. She brought his favorite snow-white chignon in her hands. In the same month, the model once again received an invitation to the program "In fact," where I had to go up with the singer Aziza, which scratched the face and the hands of a secular lioness. Alena argued that he received a serious injury, bleeding and suffered from panic attacks, but soon the women were recalled.

In November, Alena met on the transfer of "actually" Alena with a dedudation Roman Gimro. The young man stated that he was the son of a millionaire wife. In an interview, Kravets confirmed that in his youth really got pregnant from his father's adult, but the child was born 6 months and did not survive. Genetic examination showed the absence of related links between the model and Gimro.

From 2018 to 2020, blogger Kravets led the author's column on one of the portals on the network.

Personal life

With a spouse Ruslan Kravtsov, a currency investor, Alena met when she worked as a model in America. At the request of the oligarch, Krasavitsa left the podium, preferring to this occupation home comfort. Soon the daughter of Daniela was born in the family.

With Ruslana, the singer lived for 9 years, but then the paths of the spouses were separated. The pair issued the official divorce that due to mutual material claims was not so simple. However, after parting, Ruslan visited the ex-spouse: a businessman left Alena with his daughter a house on Rublevka, the cost of which is assessed by experts at $ 750 million.

Alena violated the only condition supplied by Ruslan - the absence of outsiders in the mansion. Therefore, the communication of the former spouses most often ended with scandals. At the end of 2016, the angry man kidnapped Daniela and did not return the child of the mother for 3 months.

After the winter holidays of 2017, Krarakets received a gift from the fan, the Italian on the origin, mansion on Rublevka, and a house in Yalta was recorded on her name. Also, the ridiculum presented it a car worth a few million rubles.

On the first day of the summer of 2018, the model's personal life changed: Alena again married Ruslan. Parents surveyed daughter. The bride at the ceremony was in the dress of its own design, and after the newlyweds and few guests went to the mansion on Rublevka.

But at the beginning of 2019, the media appeared in the media that Chuta Kravets again broke up. The reason for the gap, according to the actress, became erotic pictures, fans, extravagant behavior and "bohemian" lifestyle of Alena. Kravets took away the daughter abroad, stopping communication with his mother, and began the marriage process. By the end of the year, the parties were able to agree on a joint guardian care, Daniela returned to Moscow. Spouses came up, but, by rumors, the singer singeded a new marriage contract, the details of which were not disclosed.

To fit the format of the performer of modern music, Alena used the services of plastic surgery. Footprints of plastics on her face hides makeup, but Folloviers mark the changed shape of the nose, noticeable swelling of the lips and an increase in the size of the bust.

The singer itself, commenting on his own photos on the "Instagram" pages, notes: the luxurious appearance is given to her from nature, and it is good even without makeup. Bright blonde and the truth is very effective: its weight is 47 kg, height - 170 cm. Alena supports model parameters of the body due to the restrictions in nutrition.

Kraverke opened its own website, where fans can learn the latest news from the star life, familiarize themselves with the biography of Alena. On the pages of the Internet resource, a collection of songs and clips of the singer was collected, an extensive photo gallery is represented.

Alena Kravets now

The secular lioness constantly supports interest in his person, actively removing in programs on central channels - TV show "Let them speak", the project "in fact".

In January 2021, the spousers as guests were invited to the program "in fact." The girl named Elena Minaeva declared relatives with a millionaire, but her real father appeared in the show, and the DNA results finally confirmed the unreasonableness of her claims.

In January 2021, the premiere of the clip on the song Song Sekret was held.

Already, the model thought about eternal and chose a place on the Troceozer cemetery, not far from the place of restoring the singer of Julia at the beginning.


  • "Linding"
  • "Just movies"
  • "I'm waiting for you"
  • "This rain again ..."
  • "For You" (Eastern)
  • "It hurts to be one"
  • "According to the rules of love"
  • "Yellow day"
  • "Night City" (Motor)
  • "Where the world ends"
  • "Live for you"
  • "I am not yours"


  • 2007 - "Daddy's Daughters"
  • 2010 - "Brigigebardo. Evolution of Love "
  • 2011 - "Happy together"
  • 2013 - "Fatal Inheritance"
  • 2014 - "Zemsky Doctor. Love contrary to

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