Permanent headaches: causes, consequences, health danger


Headache is an unpleasant phenomenon, especially if it is not one-time character, but annivers on an ongoing basis. Often, this is ignored by going around with pills, but serious violations in the work of the body, melting a significant hazard for health, may be the causes of chronic pains in the head. About what is hidden behind strong headaches and which it can have consequences, will tell in 24cmi.


The causes of pain in the head are different: overvoltage, stress, overheating and supercooling of the body, smoking and alcohol, infection, squeezing the head, etc.

For his life, a person repeatedly faces pain in his head. In most cases, this is an episodic nature - the disorder occurs due to excessive overwork or against the backdrop of colds. However, sometimes painful sensations are worried much more often and last longer.

Causes and consequences of permanent headaches

For permanent headaches that are worried regularly (more than 15 days a month), there is a separate medical designation - Hgeb, that is, chronic head daily pains. As medical practice shows, such disorders are more common in women (52%) than in men (38%). Often, the Hgeb is secondary, that is, develops against the background of other diseases, such as:

  • Vegeth-vascular dystonia;
  • Greaming (migraine) and other hereditary diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • venous dysfunction;
  • Head injuries;
  • meningitis;
  • encephalitis;
  • glaucoma;
  • strabismus;
  • problems with the musculoskeletal system, including the cervical spine;
  • cancer formations;
  • diabetes;
  • Renal failure.

In addition to the above, there is still an extensive list of all sorts of diseases that cause permanent headaches.


Diagnosing the causes of regular pain in the head - the process of time consuming. Moreover, people often neglect the timely appeal to medical facilities - find excuses for painful sensations, starting with weather changes before the moon cycle.

Such indifference to the organism supplied signals leads to unpleasant consequences. Not only is the root cause (if any) may noticeably aggravate, and the pain themselves do not pass without a trace. As a result, the HGEB is capable of destroying neurons, located in the location of pain of pain - this, in turn, leads to the atrophy of the gray matter.

Other risks

Causes and consequences of permanent headaches

Another health danger lies in the fact that with constant headaches, people prefer self-treatment to see a doctor. As a result of the use of drugs, whose names are subtracted on the Internet or drawn from the "Sarafan Radio", instead of healing the situation is only aggravated. By the time of appeal to the hospital, people acquire, in addition to initial diseases, another bunch of other problems and disorders in the work of internal organs caused by strong toxic damage due to used drugs.

Therefore, when the pain lasts a long time to avoid serious health effects, it is worth visiting the hospital, and not to look for ways to solve themselves.

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