Bachelor's Day and World Shopping Day: 2019, History


On November 11, the holiday is celebrated - the day of bachelors in China dedicated to the incredible bonds of marriage of the population. In 2019, this celebration awaits not only the Chinese people, but also residents of other countries, after all, the day of shopping is timed to this event.

Number of "bachelor" holiday

The history of the holiday takes the beginning in the 90s in the city of Nanjing. He was dedicated to "free" residents due to the date, in which the event is celebrated. The Chinese are serious about the magic of numbers, 11.11 symbolizes four lonely people for them.

November 11 - Bachelor's Day and World Shopping Day

The Chinese government is struggling with overpopulation, therefore introduces restrictions, for example, not more than 1 child per family. The event for unmarried people was invented so that young people enjoy the "free" provision and did not seek childbearing prematurely. Earlier, only men celebrated, but later the beautiful part of the population was joined.

Traditions in the celebration of the Day of Bachelor

The Chinese usually celebrate it in the company of the only and close friend. They meet at lunch and talk about the joys of a non-native position. Some arrange parties on which only "free" people are present. They organize a dating blindly and having fun.

The event is popular among young people. Rarely meet people of old age, which celebrate this celebration. For the Chinese, the family is above all, so they will be seen by it to mature years.

World Shopping Day

November 11, the holiday of bachelors in China is not the only one, this day is associated with a large-scale shopping. In Russia, this event is expected due to sales on Aliexpress. Prices are reduced by 2-3 times, so shopaholics are rushing for new things. The event is equal to the American "Black Friday". Not all sellers come honestly and reduce real prices, some before the sale costs of things raise that the discount looks weighty.

For the first time, the largest online merchant Alibaba Group was arranged in 2009. He belongs to the largest shopping platforms, including Aliexpress. Then companies earned for 50 million yuan more. Since then, it has become an annual tradition, which was timed to the Day of Bachelor. Both events are Chinese waiting with impatience. For Russians, discounts operate from 11 hours Moscow time.

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