Strange Cartoons: USSR, Russian, Foreign, 2019


Children's logic is ready to explain the incomprehensible events on the screen. However, looking at some films for children, adults are asked about what clouds have flown the creators of history. On the strangest cartoons from the point of view of adults - in the editorial material 24cm.

Tom and Jerry (1940-2017)

10 strange cartoons

The popular franchise in the world of irreconcilable enmity of Tom and Jerry is filled with frank cruelty sophisticated ways. And the heroes of the Children's film are abused by alcohol and cigars, which is strange in the context of children's television.

"Winnie Pooh and all-all-all" (1969-1972)

In the Soviet version there is no Christopher Robin, which in the story of the book is the owner of a narcissistic bear. The Multipliers of the USSR saw the creative, scattered and unwinding Winnieu Pooh. The main character comes to life on the screen and comes into contact with the viewer through the peeping into the frame and reasoning out loud. He is strange and does not look like a book hero, which does not prevent the cartoon with the whole family.

"Hedgehog in the fog" (1976)

10 strange cartoons

The cartoon in the style "not everyone will understand." The unthinkable atmosphere gives the ground for children's fantasy, and adults are trying to see in the image of a white horse Divine providence and otherworldly power. A strange hedgehog and mysterious horse still disturbed the minds of intellectuals, psychologists and esoteric.

"Wings, legs, tail" (1985)

A cynical plot and a peculiar manner of the pattern remain in memory for a long time. The cartoon was removed on the quotes, but why "the main thing is the tail," so nobody understood.

"Sponge Bob Square Pants" (1999-2019)

10 strange cartoons

Parents do not agree with children's admiration and consider the series dangerous to the psyche of offspring. The heroes are losing the brain, talking on elevated colors and disaggeted nonsense. Yes, and the name is that without a hint of Grandpa Freud could not do.

"The Adventures of Luntik and his Friends" (2005-2019)

Luntik looks strange: surprises with dimensions, it is capable of breathing under water and good-natured on the verge of pathology. Questions also arise to the rest of the characters: why Mila is constantly crying, Shershul forgets everything, and caterpillars behave like teenagers with deviant behavior? But I like the Children of Multistoria, and in 2019 work continues on the 9th season.

"Horn and hooves" (2006)

10 strange cartoons

The cartoon about the young bull Otis, who loves to have fun, but in a difficult moment takes responsibility for himself, suitable for family viewing. The plot seems clear, but remains a mystery, why a bull with a removal. It is clear that the male signs of the difference in the bull would look at the screen ridiculous. But why to draw unnecessary?

"Vezuch" (2010-2019)

Strange Russian cartoon with incomprehensible graphics. The plot resembles psychedelic reincarnations. Fantasy creators scares adults. That they wanted to say, it is not clear.

"Full split" (2016)

10 strange cartoons

Strange interpretation of food sexuality in the supermarket. The age centers of the foreign cartoon 18+, but even bold adults are confused to look at the adventures of buns and sausages. Introduction to erotica does not reach, and the silent moments are forced to blush not in childish.

"The Adventures of Petit and Wolf" (2018-2019)

Fantasy for children built on folk tales. In the role of superhero - a schoolboy Peter. The conductor between the fabulous world and reality is a wolf, which is more like a dog. The rest of the characters surprise: the Snake Gorynych interpersonal conflict, the wrap is taken for the immortal vampire, and the Yaga's women have an adult daughter.

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