Angelica (character) - photo, heroine, movies, adventures, author, chronology


Character History

Angelica is a beautiful Frenchwoman, the main character of a series of romantic novels created by Ann's spouses and Serge Golon. Seductive, smart, feminine, this woman conquered the hearts of readers not only in France, but also beyond the country. The biography of the lady is filled with bright, dramatic events with which the heroine is coping with her or with the help of men in her. Through the novels pass the topic of love Angelica to Joffrey de Peiraku. On the books of the cycle, 6 films have been created, which entered quotes from texts.

History of character creation

The first romance of the cycle appeared in 1957. According to one of the authors of the Roman, Anne Golon, Angelica did not have a historical prototype. Writers created a collective image, endowing it with such features as youth, beauty, audacity, fragility and others. The events of novels occur in the second half of the XVII century. Despite the historical time, the main heroine, rather, resembles the behavior of the modern lady. This character is determined, bold, can kill someone who threatens her and children. At the same time, Angelica retains tenderness, tartness. The character of the young woman is strong, there is a rod in it, allowing you to survive the most difficult moments.

Biography Angelica

Events in novels have a consistent chronology. Angelica comes from the noble, but impoverished family. The girl appears in the world in 1637 and receives from the Familia de Sanas de Montel. The first years of life heroine spends in the family castle, and then they are sent to the local monastery. In 18 years, Young Beauty makes the proposal of a notable Count Joffrey de Paerac, who came from Toulouse. Despite the fact that the face of a man is energized by the scar from Sabli and he lame, the girl is married in the hope that her husband will save her family from poverty.

Soon Madame de Pajac learns her husband. Joffrey was smart, sophisticated, charming. The man traveled a lot, knew many women, but only Angelica loved truly. In marriage two children are born - sons Florimon and Kantor. However, the happiness of the spouses turns out to be short - King Louis XIV considers de Peyraka dangerous for the courtyard, so the court appoints, and then the execution of her husband's husband. The remaining one, the Countess gives children the sister, and herself enters the gang of Parisian criminals.

The leader of the gang is Nicolas, a former shepherd from the village belonging to the father of Angelica. The girl becomes his mistress, "Angels Marquis". But life among the beggars and thieves alien to her. Young widow is arranged to work in the tavern and soon riches. Now the beauty has a goal - to return the former position in the noble society. Happy for her, a meeting with cousin, Marquis Philippe du Polsa-Baler becomes happy. Heroine blackmail forces a man to marry her and imagine the Royal Court.

The king is fascinated by a pretty marquise, begins to give a lady signs. The events make shape so that the heroine again becomes a widow - Philip dies during hostilities. Now Angelica and the king are becoming close. From his lover, beauty learns that instead of Joffrey, another person was executed. Now the heroine seeks to find a husband - goes on a journey through the Mediterranean Sea.

Marquis is captured by pirates, and after - on the slave market. Here she bursts the resteller, but the heroine can run. After a series of bright and dramatic adventures - repeated captivity, life in Harem Sultan - a young lady turns out in the castle du Pleb, where her third son, Charles Henri, born in marriage with Philipp. Soon, her first child Florimon appears here. Marquis is covered by the Barona Huguenot family in the castle. By order of the king, struggling with Protestants, the troops attack the castle, kill "incorrect", and women are raping. Kids Charles Henri dies.

Through time, Angelica understands that he carries a child of the rapist. The heroine is trying to get rid of the baby, but it does not succeed. The Born Girl Marquis calls Onorina and decides to escape from the country. By the will of Rock, the lady hits the resteller ship. Something in the guise of a man seems to her familiar. A woman is not mistaken - under this name hid her first husband Joffrey. From now on, the family is combined. The sons of Florimon and Kantor are joined to parents.

The ship holds a course on Quebec, where the spouses decide to settle for a while. In the Union, Joffrey and Angelica is born by the daughter of Glorianda, and a receiving child appears, called Charlel Henri. A couple expect new tests, but love is strong and helps to overcome difficulties.

Angelica in films

The product cycle was popular with readers and became a source of inspiration for French director Bernard Bordereri. The Bordereri film was invited by the young actress Michel Mercier and actor Robert Ossein.

The audience came to the soul of Angelica, the image of which embodied on the screen of Merc. Bright beauty actress, accurate figure, charm, ability to wear historic dresses, eroticism formed an unforgettable film. However, writers were not satisfied with the screen venoms. In their opinion, in the films, the heroine was presented not so multifaceted, original nature, as in the texts.

In 2013, cinematographers were again interested in the plots of books of Spouses Golon. In 2013, the director Ariel Zeytun was released on the screens. The role of beauties Angelica in the cinema fulfilled the actress Nora Arnezeder. The heroine stopped being fragile and weak that film critics explained the influence of feminist trends. He changed Joffrey - the hero is endowed with impeccable appearance, which is radically diverted with the text-original.


Male is a tough when he does not like more. In particular, if he likes the other. There is feelings that are tested only by time. And among them - loyalty to love. I can also be silent as well when they are true, as they answer when they insult me.


  • 1956 - "Angelika - Marquis of Angels"
  • 1958 - "Path to Versailles"
  • 1959 - "Angelica and King"
  • 1960 - "Insurprise Angelica"
  • 1961 - "Raw Angelica"
  • 1961 - "Angelica and her love"
  • 1964 - "Angelica in the New World"
  • 1966 - "Temptation of Angelica"
  • 1972 - "Angelica and Demon"
  • 1976 - "Angelica and Conspiracy of Shadows"
  • 1980 - "Angelica in Quebec"
  • 1984 - "Hope Road"
  • 1985 - "Victory Angelica"


  • 1964 - "Angelika - Marquis Angels"
  • 1965 - "Angelica in Anger" ("Magnificent Angelica")
  • 1966 - "Angelica and King"
  • 1967 - "Insurprise Angelica"
  • 1968 - "Angelica and Sultan"
  • 2013 - "Angelika - Angelov's Marquis"

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