Show "Well, all together" - photo, history of creation, news, participants, jury 2021



In 2019, the Vocal show "Well, all together!" On the channel "Russia-1" started - Unique on entertainment, emotional tension and, which is important, rules: For the first time in the history of national television, the talent of participants estimate not one, not three and not five members of the jury, but a whole hundred. On the fact "Well, all together!" - It is translated into a new karaoke format, everyone can join.

History of creation

Many projects on the television of Russia, for example, "voice", "hellish cuisine", "one in one" are an analogue of foreign broadcasts. "Well, all together!" In this case, it is not an exception: this is a complete similarity of the British show of All Together Now, which debuted on the BBC channel in January 2018.

Franchise All ToGether Now belongs to the Producer TV company from the UK Remarkable Television. It was joined by 14 countries, in addition to the "creator".

The name of the project in Russia is chosen in no coincidence: "Well, all together!" "This is the first line from the song" Bremen Musicians "" We drove to you for an hour. " She does not leave indifferent, calling to dance, forces to sing and, as the troubadour, princess, donkey, cat, dog and cock, clap your hands.

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In Russia, "hostess" project "Well, all together!" It is Julia Sumashen - the general producer of "White Media". More than 400 people help her - operators, makeupers, sound engineers, costumes, etc. Transfer is removed in the Pavilion "Mosfilm". Especially for members of the jury was built a 12-meter wall, which built in a complex mechanism counting voices.

The first release of the show "Well, all together!" Was on the air channel "Russia-1" on March 23, 2019. He challenged more than 20 million fans to sing to the TV screens.

Rules of Show

Rules of show "Well, all together!" Restrictions are not established for participants. Demonstrate their talent, "hundreds" children and pensioners, Russians and residents of CIS countries, soloists, duets and groups can demonstrate. In other words, the project was created in folk style - for wide masses.

Before being in the Mosfilm Pavilion, applicants need to pass the qualifying round. They must tell about themselves in the video format and record three vocal numbers lasting no more than 2.5 minutes. A participant's profile is attached to the video footage. Most items in it are filled at will.

The main information that vocalists should indicate - contact details, creative path, the presence of musical education, possession of styles (from academic to popular singing). Additionally, applicants can tell whether the experience of the speech before a large audience and what they will spend the winnings.

Participants whose questionnaires were interested in casting managers, get to the starting line of the project "Well, all together!" - Debut performances before the "hundred". For the conquest of the hearts of the jury members, vocalists have just a minute and 20 seconds.

The talent of soloists and groups of "hundred" assesses with their voices. Competitive selection is carried out with the help of a complex lighting mechanism built into a 12-meter wall. During the speech of each candidate for the winners of the show "Well, all together!" The wave runs on the construction, after which the jury members who like the vocal number can stand up from their places.

At the selection stage, participants can dial from 0 to 100 points. Than "hundreds" choir, the greater the chance of vocalists to reach the final.

In each issue, 10 participants demonstrate their talent (and from the 2nd season - eight). The opinion of the jury is determined by the top three. A vocalist who has raised more experts from the places, automatically falls into the final, the rest are fighting for "duels".


Julia Sashava, the producer "Well, all together!", Once he noted in an interview that the name of the star, which could lead the "hundred", arose immediately after coordinating the launch of the project to Russia-1. After all, Sergey Lazarev is a nationwide belief of Russia, in which there are foreign songs in the repertoire, pop music and jazz, hits that like young people and the people of the "golden" age.

Sergey Lazarev immediately agreed to the proposal, and the need to search for another candidate had disappeared.

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Despite the fact that the show folk, Sergey Lazarev for each participant is experiencing as for himself. The viewer "Well, all together!" It seems that the members of the "hundreds" simply enjoy what is happening. In fact, there is a difficult task in front of them - not only to support the artist with their votes, but also to hear him, see.

To make a decision on the future fate of the participants Sergey Lazarev, representatives of the musical sphere help: famous vocalists, critics, composers, producers, bloggers. An important condition for jury members - they should be able to sing. The values ​​of popularity does not have the value: in the 1st season in the "hundred" entered the talent of the surgeon and the joiner.

With the lead show "Well, all together!" Also decided quickly. They became Nikolay Baskov, the golden voice of Russia.

"Well, all together!"

The uniqueness of the show "Well, all together!" It is that the participants are not climbing in the repertoire. "SOTNE" they can present popular pop tracks (like "maybe, forget everything and feed" groups "Time and Glass" and "There is no me" in Sevara), Russian and Soviet "Blanki" ("I love you, it is Great "Nikolai Noskova," My Clear "Star" Stasa Namina, "Belovezhskaya Pushcha" VIA "Pesnyary", "I am you, you are me" Murat Nasyrov), rock ballads ("Careless Angel" Group "Aria") - All that sow sow.

The first season of the show "Well, all together!" consisted of eight qualifying rounds and the final in which the winner was determined. Lucky Andrei Lisovsky from Sochi won a memorable cup and a monetary award in the amount of 1 million rubles.

In the 2nd season, the prize fund expanded. In addition to 1 million rubles, the finalist gets the right to work with Sergey Lazarev. The song-friendly in their creative interaction will not only complement the piggy bank of the participant, but also serve as a "opening" for the first popular musical festival, which is scheduled for the summer of 2020.

There are other changes in the rules of the show "Well, all together!" From the 2nd season: together with Sergey Lazarev, the "hundred" heads invited stars. The first release was opened by Diana Arbenina, the leader of the Night Snipers Group, Julia Savicheva, Alexey Chumakov and other folk favorites are waiting for the audience.

There was a change and composition of "hundreds": it included the brightest participants of the 1st season of the project "Well, all together!". Now among critics, singers, vocal teachers are sitting by Ilya Rimar, Maria Kirpicheva and Vyacheslav Makarov.

For 2019, the show became so popular that even children wanted to participate in it. So the idea appeared to create a special issue for the most young. It is noteworthy that the contestants judges a "hundred", consisting of their peers. Experts are members and winners of children's vocal competitions "Eurovision", "Voice. Children "," You're super! "," New Wave ", etc.

Best participants

Talking about the best and most interesting participants in the project "Well, all together!" You need to start with the finalist of the 1st season Andrei Lisovsky. A native of Sunny Sochi won the love of "hundreds" on the casting: He performed the het Tom Jones of SEX Bomb with a bariton het Tom Jones Bomb, who raised 95 members of the jury from the cited seats.

The repertoire Andrei Lisovsky was predominantly foreign songs. For example, the path of the vocalist on the show was crowned with a nonplus composition Frank Sinatra New York, New York.

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Maria Kirpicheva, a resident of Angarsk, became the first participant of the show "Well, all together!", Which managed to add a cherished "hundred": all members of the jury got up from their places when they heard a "Spring Spring" song from the movie "Spring "(1975) performed by a spectacular woman. Only one step behind her the duet "Roman".

Maria Kirpicheva, by the way, took 2nd place in the 1st season of the project.

Among the bright participants "Well, all together!" You can also note the Russian holiday group, David Avanesian, Evgenia Belyaev, Evgeny Popova, Jan Blonder, Valery Belov. Many of them reached the final.

"Well, all together!" now

On February 2, 2020, on the channel "Russia-1" started the continuation of the show "Well, all together!". Output time - on Sundays at 17:50. Failed viewers can view passages of issues on Yutubeub. We can get acquainted with vocalists on the official website of the project. Here, in the "Participants" section, there are photos of every potential finalist and their best performances.

The Internet was full of news about the 2nd season of the show "Well, all together!". Karina Ismailova from Makhachkala, which scored 86 points, and Ali Tyunayev from Adygea took place. The last vocalist lost to his rival Julia Blavko on 3 points, but later took a revenge on the "duels".

In 2021, the new season of the show started, whose hundred and whose jury was again headed by Sergey Lazarev.

Winners of the project

  • 2019 - Andrei Lisovsky

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