Things for which Sergey Lazarev does not regret money


Celebrities earn an impressive amount that awakens interest from fans to find out what stars prefer to spend the funds received. In each case, the answer will vary: Some live on a wide leg, without denying themselves; Others invest in business profitable; Third are given to charity. About those things that the Russian artist Sergey Lazarev does not regret the money, this article will tell.


Former member of the Smash group !!, and now a popular singer and TV presenter believes that cars should be sure to be reliable and comfortable. And for compliance with these criteria, Sergey Lazarev is ready to give a solid money, which does not hide. The machine for it is not only a vehicle, but also the luxury item is to be proud of. The artist himself stopped the choice on the Audi Q7, which acquired back in 2008, and by 2019 it did not decide to change. The cost of such an SUV varies from 4 to 6 million rubles, depending on the configuration.


In an interviews for printing publications and Internet portals, Sergey repeatedly told that he loves to eat delicious. Therefore, another article of the costs to which the singer is not sorry to spend some of its own fees is the food. The star prefers to eat in expensive restaurants, where the woven personnel is responsible for the quality of food. At the same time, the Contractor admits that in extremes it does not fall: food is not obliged to be exotic, enough and the fact that it will be pleasant to taste and balanced.

Shoes and accessories

Casual clothes, the singer does not pay too much attention - believes that the wardrobe is overly frightened and causing should not be. Therefore, a simple t-shirt with jeans is enough - the main thing is to be comfortable to wear. So for a jacket for a couple of millions in the performer's cabinet there is no place - such clothes for everyday wearing is not needed. But to the shoes and accessories, Sergei Lazarev's attitude is excellent: the quality, reliability and durability is important here, and therefore the artist does not regret the shoes and watches.


The performer does not feel the inconvenience from the role of the main breadwinner in the family - the relatives for him mean a lot. Therefore, for children, son and daughters, Sergey is ready for everything as for the mother. In addition to love and attention, the singer does not save and in the gifts to relatives: for example, on the 55th anniversary, Mom gave an expensive car, and periodically makes surprises more compromising. Also striving to regularly leave the family for rest in Turkutovkov, trying to visit different countries, besides familiar to every Russian Turkey with Egypt.


Unlike the casual wardrobe, the costumes for speeches Sergey Lazarev pays much more attention to: they must be manufactured from natural materials and transfer long-term operation. Moreover, the artist acquires 2-3 identical suit to insure against accidents - on touring it is easy to destroy not cheap clothes, so you need to have substituted kits. In addition to the concert wardrobe, the preparation of the show also needs finance - personnel, effects, transit expenses and other points related to performances, Sergey pays from its own funds. There are no sponsors and producers from the artist, but he does not regret the investment, because the representation is obliged to admire fans.

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