Blair Waldorf (character) - Photo, "Gossip", actress, style, dresses, quotes


Character History

Blair Waldorf (Blair Cornelia Waldorf) is the main heroine of the popular American youth series "Gossip". The image of this character is bright, unpredictable - a spectacular brunette makes the acts contrary to each other, changes the beloved, thereby earning the definition of familiar "the girl of extremes." Dramatic experiences, betrayal from the guy and the best friend, the inability to understand themselves make Waldorf interesting for the audience.

History of character creation

The creator of the series, director Josh Schwartz, took the plots of the Romans series "Gossip", created by the author Cecili von Tsigzar, as the basis of the film project. The novel became so popular that quotes from books began to appear in social networks. Adhering to the finished descriptions of the heroes, the director tried to embody their images on the screen, saving the details of the text. Spectators first get acquainted with the main heroine, when she marks 16 (at the end of the 6th, final season, Blair's age is 26 years old).

The role of a spectacular brunette performed in the film Young actress Leighton Mister. The image of the best girlfriend, Serena, embodied on the screen Blake Lively. The role of Neuit went to the performer Chesce Crowford, Chuck Bassa - Eda Vsafirik, and Dan Humphrey - Penna Baggli. The photo of the performers were laid out on the network.

Biography and image Blair Waldorf

The scripts made the image of "alive", close viewers. So, for example, Waldorf has many hobbies. The girl adores movies with Audrey Hepburn, her beloved book becomes the novel "Epoch of innocence", written in 1920 by the American writer Edith Worton. The heroine of the work, the Countess, is largely reminiscent of Blair - she's heads the head of men and at the same time lives in the world of their fantasies.

Blair's appearance reflects a difficult character - a dark-haired slim beauty is popular with guys, can not cope with passionate nature, leaving that one, then to another fan. The duality of nature is largely due to the sign of the zodiac girl - Waldorf was born on November 15, her sign - Scorpio. Traditionally, it is considered that people who born at that time are endowed with special energy, impulsiveness, are often subject to mood shifts. Such is Blair.

The only thing that is invariably in the hobbies of the heroine of the series is a passion for sweet. From the desserts, sweet tooth prefers pumpkin pie and pasta pasta. Within 6 seasons, the style of the girl is changing. First, this is a classic style preparing - after all, brunette is studying in an elite private school. The hairstyle of schoolgirl decorates the rim. A little later, the heroine outfits become more frank. Dear accessories, branded things, as well as tops with decollete are added to the usual school dresses and skirts.

In the third season, teenage clothes replaced more feminine. The girl wears outfits of light fabrics with floral prints. Heroine's trip to Paris makes adjustments to the wardrobe - appear skirts and blouses of laconic cut, as well as traditional French takes. Returning to New York and settled in the editor, Blair prefers elegant dresses and business styles.

The fifth season becomes special in the life of Waldorf - a wedding with Prince Monaco is preparing. The clothes of the girl during this period is distinguished by luxurious fabrics. Zavemenhenev, Blair wears free cut things. The final season is a heroine as a business lady, which looks according to the status. Beautifully decorated and rooms in which the brunette lives.

The heroine was born in the 1990s (according to the book - in 1991) in a secured family. Parents of the girl at the time of the beginning of the series in divorce. Mother, Eleanor, became the wife of Mr. Rose, father preferred the society of a young mannequin. Perhaps the events in the family became a psychological trauma for a teenager - from the first episoders, the audience learn that the girl suffered from nervous bulimia.

Blair is in love with Nita Archibald and dreams of a wedding. However, the guy admits that he changed the heroine with her best friend to Sereyna. Disappointed in friendship, Waldorf decides to take revenge on the neuto for a broken heart and, while drunk, changes him with the best friend of his beloved by Chuck Bass. From that moment on, Blair feels that bass is pretty, the feeling is mutually. But between young people there are obstacles that prevent them from being together.

The heroine finds a new fan in the face of Dan Humphrey. A couple turns out a lot of common - love for cinema, thrust for art. However, relations are not destined to get continuations. A prince of Monaco Louis Grimaldi comes to the brunette, with whom Waldorf met in France, and makes the beauty of the proposal. Blair takes it, although it feels that still in love with Chuck. Before the wedding, being pregnant from Louis, the girl decides to escape with the bass. However, the couple falls into a serious accident, in which the heroine loses the child.

In the hospital, the heroine prays that Chuck remains alive, promising in this case to become a wife Louis. Bass come to themselves, and Blair continues cooking for the wedding. During the ceremony there is a scandal - guests demonstrate a video where the girl is recognized by Chuck in love. After that, the Prince declares a young wife that now, after a public shame, they will only depict a happy couple, in the rest of the time living separately.

A year after the wedding, the heroine terminates marriage and returns from Monaco to New York. Here it is waiting for change - Waldorf becomes the owner of Waldorf Design. Serious work allows the young woman to understand thoughts, preferences. Beauty understands that Bass is the only one she loves. Soon the couple is combined with marriage, and in a few years, Blair and Chuck is born by the son of Henry.


If I ever die because of a man, then only with a laugh. There is a lot of carcasses, as for "just a friend". That we can't be together, does not mean that I do not like you. A man who thinks only about her.


  • 2004 - "Gossip"
  • 2004 - "You are delighted with me"
  • 2004 - "I want everything immediately"
  • 2004 - "After all, I am worth it."
  • 2008 - "So - I like it!"
  • 2009 - "You are all I want"
  • 2009 - "Others do not know how"


  • 2008 - "Gossip" (season 1)
  • 2009 - "Girls" (season 2)
  • 2010 - "Girls" (season 3)
  • 2011 - "Girls" (season 4)
  • 2012 - "Girls" (season 5)
  • 2012 - "Gossip" (season 6)

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