Marvan Kenzari - Photo, Biography, Actor, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



Marvan Kenzari - Actor of Tunisian origin from the Netherlands busy in TV projects and cinema. In his piggy bank there are the roles of the first plan and images of secondary characters. The artist is the winner of the Golden Calf Awards and the Laureate of the "ascending Star" of the Berlin Film Festival.

Childhood and youth

Marvan Kenzari was born on January 16, 1983 in the Hague. His parents come from Tunisia. The acting abilities of a young man manifest themselves in conscious age. The first shooting in the career of the future star took place in 2008. The beginning of his creative biography was promoted by the former girl who persuaded Marwan to participate in Casting for the "Chicago" setting of the local theatrical community.

In 2009, Kenzari graduated from the Maastricht Theater Academy and, having received a diploma, officially became a professional actor.

Personal life

The Russian audience became more interested in the artist after watching "Aladdin". The beautiful half of the public learned about the photo sessions of the actor, on which he was captured with a naked torso. Evaluating the external data of Marwan, the fans began to be interested in his personal life.Embed from getty images

Now the actor meets with a model of Nao Ponce. At the premiere of Aladdin, he appeared hand in hand with his girlfriend and later posted in the "Instagram" their joint photo from the event.

The actor's growth is 183 cm, and the weight is unknown.


The first appearance of Marwan in the frame occurred in 2008 in the tape of Mike de Jong "Sister Kati". The film was not among the popular paintings. But already in 2009, the actor received an invitation to shooting in the film "Recent Emma Blank Day". She was shot by Alex Wramedam.

Thriller "Wolf", which came to the screens in 2013, brought the first success Marvana. In the film, the artist portrayed a former kickboxer fraudster, whose life is connected with the crime. He was marked by experts and the "Golden Calf" in the Netherlands. Inspired by an excellent start, next year Kenzari again received a prize. They became the "rising star" of the Berlin Film Festival.

It seemed that the career of the actor began to develop rapidly, because he proved the presence of potential and attracted the attention of directories. The filmography was replenished with "Autoban", "Ben-Gur", "Mummy", "Mystery of Seven Sisters", "Murder in Eastern Express", "Promise". Popular in the USA, these films made Marwan Kenzari recognizable.

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In 2018, the Artist starred in the Biographic Kinolent "Angel". The plot narrated about Israel spy named Jafar Ashraf. Kenzari embodied on the screen the image of the main character.

In 2019, the Dutchman was a member of the major cinematic project "Aladdin". Picture director became Guy Richie. The remake of a famous fairy tale turned out not so lucky as his creators assumed. Posing in the frame of the main villain of the history of Jafar, Marvan has gained conflicting expert reviews. Some considered him unconvincing, others thought that the artist was hostage to produce and vision of the director. Despite this, the film enjoyed the interest of the audience, as well as the actors who performed the main roles: Mena Masswood, Naomi Scott and Will Smith.

Marvan Kenzari now

In 2019, the artist starred in the psychological thriller Galina Rain called "Instinct". The premiere of the picture took place in Locarno, and for the North American public, the project creators arranged a presentation in Toronto. The plot of the film is developing around two heroes: the psychologist of the correctional institution and the criminal preparing to get out of freedom. Marvan Kenzari performed the second role. The tape was nominated by Dutch experts for the Oscar Prize.


  • 2013 - "Wolf"
  • 2016 - "Autoban"
  • 2016 - "Promise"
  • 2016 - Ben-Gur
  • 2017 - "Mummy"
  • 2017 - "Mystery of Seven Sisters"
  • 2017 - "Murder in Eastern Express"
  • 2018 - "Angel"
  • 2019 - "Alladin"
  • 2019 - "Instinct"

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