Famous women who returned to former husbands: Russian, Hollywood, 2019


No matter how much people wanted to gave the marriage to give the marriage, life is waiting for an unpleasant surprises: family relationships often resemble races on a huge bull. And let the wisely experienced strongly recommend, parting, to leave the compelling, but emotions sometimes dictate the opposite, pushing the "ran away" again in each other's arms. And it happens not only with simple inhabitants: about who from the famous women returned to former husbands and that from it came out - in material 24cm.

Melanie Griffith

Dakota's mother Johnson's life spent saturated, having time to go married four times. Moreover, the first and third marriage of Melanie Griffith took place with one person - Hollywood film actor Don Johnson. For the first time, the wedding was played in 1976 - then the newlyweds were enough for only 6 months. Repeated actors in 1989. This attempt turned out to be more successful - the spouses divorced only in the 95th.

Talula Rieli.

The story of love Actresses from Great Britain and Ilona Mask is full of passion and experiences. The relationships of the couple began in 2008, and after 2 years, the lovers decided to legitimize them, which, according to fans, became a mistake - in 2012 Talula Riley and Ilon Mask divorced. The reason for the rupture was the treason of entrepreneur. Repeated Riley agreed with a mask in 2013, however, and this time the marriage did not hold out for a long time - after 3 years, the pair diverged completely.

Julia Maizhova

Not only overseas stars cannot finally decide on parting - Russian celebrities also tend to return to the past. It so happened in the family of Julia Little and Igor Gonde: The spouses played a wedding in 1998, and after 7 years they decided to disperse. The cooling period lasted 4 years, and then the spouses again decided to live together. It is said that this parting only went to them - in 2019 the couple is still together.

Pamela Anderson

The famous model and actress - a woman who returned twice to former husbands. With Raker Tommy Li Pamela Anderson entered into a marriage union in 1995. Because of the changed and violence from her husband, the spouses broke up after 3 years, revealed in the 99th, truth, for a while. With a third husband, a film producer Ricka Salomon, in Hollywood celebrity the situation was similar to the wedding, although without unnecessary pomp, was played by this couple twice, in 2007 and 2014. For the first time - for 2 months, in the second - for a year.

Natalie Wood

The story of love three times nominated for the Oscar of the American actress, born in the family of Russian emigrants, also does not look calm and smooth. For the actor and producer Robert Wagner, the star "Westside History" (1961) went out twice - in 1957 and in 1974. The last time the parting occurred for the reasons independent of the spouses - Natalie Wood died.

Jackie Wuver

Hollywood actress of cinema and television is from Australia, recognition of which came after Peter Wira, "Picnic's hanging rock", is considered a loving person. Married Jackie Weaver visited 5 times. Of these, twice - for Daerrin Hins, TV presenter.

Katya Gordon

The author of the songs and TV presenter, the ex-wife Alexander Gordon, who left after parting with him the last name, also returned to her former husband. True, not to Alexander. For the next chosen, lawyer Sergei Zhorin, Ekaterina Gordon went out in 2011 and 2013. And both times - for several months.

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