Interesting facts about Tales: Character, in love, children


Taurus - the second zodiac sign, the Venus controls them. He is stubborn and practical, loves to work and creates comfortable conditions for life. The Earth's Element Sign is quite patient, but should not lead him into rabies.

Other interesting facts about Tales - in the editorial material 24cm.


10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

For Taurons, the family always stays in the first place. If someone from relatives will need help, they will be ready to donate the last thing they have. It is worth remembering that if the Taurus is confessed in love, he actually does it sincerely, because it is not necessary to join him into marriage.


Tales are able to surprise with their impermanence. In one day, they can work without bothering hands, causing admiration of colleagues and bosses, and the other - to hold the TV on the sofa, not wanting to even attribute dirty dishes in the sink.


It is useless to argue with born under this constellation. You can convince the calves for several hours, leading various facts and evidence, but they will always remain in their own, albeit incorrect opinions.


10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

Tales have amazing memory, they are able to absorb new information like a sponge. Children representing this sign can take verse to the New Year's matinee and at the first request of their parents to repeat it. The main thing is that at that moment they were in a good mood, otherwise they will have to face stubbornness.


Representatives of this sign are very kind people. They are literally ready to save the whole world from evil, ready to help all the old women and homeless animals. However, they are not recommended to angry them, their character has a cumulative effect. Cute and smiling tales at one moment can explode, then it will be difficult to calm them.


Taurus is very jealous. They want to protect his beloved man from the surrounding world, ready to jealous him not only to the opposite sex, but also to hobbies and even things. The "sense of property" appears from them since childhood, when they begin to jealous their parents to each other or to brothers and sisters.

Attitude towards money

10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

Born under this sign are very economical people. They will never unwise spend money that earned honest and hard work. The only thing that the carts are ready to spend money are things that will serve for a long time, like a car or home appliances.

the beauty

Taurus try to surround themselves with beautiful things and people. With the first acquaintance with a person, there may be an untidy appearance, unwitting clothes or an unpleasant smell.


Tales are true to their habits: they can eat constantly in the same restaurants, there are the same food, to visit only one cinema or always get to work familiar path. It is difficult to decide on something new to them, it's not a fact that after that they will not return to their habits.


10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

Born under this constellation do not know how to lie and do not like to gossip. They can be entrusted with any secret and be sure that it will not spread further than the Tales. They will always listen and give a valuable advice.

10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus


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10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

1. Family always in the first place is the vital principle of the Taurus. If someone from Rodney ask for help, then the Taurus will never refuse.

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10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

2. Tales are famous for their impermanence. Today they planned to go to workout, but in an hour they had changed his mind and lie on the sofa for watching the film.

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10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

3. You will never restore the Taurus, do not even try. They are so stubborn that they insist in their opinion to the victorious.

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10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

4. The memory of the Tales will envy each. They can learn poem in a couple of minutes, and new information is captured instantly.

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10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

5. kindness - trump cards. They are ready to pick up from the street any stray dog. But if they pour them out, then wait for the bomb explosion.

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10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

6. Born under this sign is very jealous. If you started living with Taurus, then do not give a reason for jealousy.

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10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

7. Save the carts can be able since childhood. They spend money only for the desired, know how to earn. But the carts do not regret the car or technique.

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10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

8. Tales love everything beautiful. They are important appearance, as well as aesthetics things.

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10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

9. Tales are very constant in their habits. In the innovations they react negatively.

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10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus

10. Tales hate gossip and lies. And be sure that they do not break your secrets.

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10 facts about the sign of the zodiac Taurus


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