Celebrities that have no children: Russian, Hollywood


Previously, the family played great importance for a person - it was a house, and a place where they would understand, protect, help. The traditional family is impossible without children. But today, when society is not so conservative, as before, not everyone will be sediments.

Many famous couples remain childless in their own will. Let's see the stars that for one other reasons did not start the child.

Oprah Winfrey

According to rumors, being a young girl, Oprah Winfrey experienced an unsuccessful pregnancy. After that, the TV presenter decided to bring the joy of motherhood sacrificing career. And she did not lose: for a quarter of a century, Winfrey remains quite successful and highly paid TV presenter on American TV.

Dita Von Teese

Another celebrity without children is a fashion model and singer Dita background TIZ. Despite the high earnings, the queen of the burlesque does not seek to give birth. He herself says that "there will be what happens" - and therefore it makes no sense to even think about children. If necessary, motherhood comes itself. Or does not come - here it's lucky.

Cameron Dias

Actress Cameron Diaz did not say that he divides the ideals of childfree movements. However, the actress believes that it is impossible to go on the society and raise the child "for the check mark" in order not to feel rejected. Cameron itself, although married, is in no hurry to become a mother.

Kylie Minogue

Eminate star Kylie Minogue - Childfries: deliberately refused motherhood due to the difficult personal life. Judge for yourself: the first boyfriend of the singer threw it, after which she committed suicide. The second partner with which Kayli planned to create a full-fledged family, also decided not to bind himself to marriage. The same was the third relationship of Minoga. It is not surprising that the famous Australian decided not to build a serious relationship. But be a single Kylie's mother does not want:

"It is impossible that you have everything - and a career, and the family. You should not focus on what you do not have and will not. "

Kristina Hendrix

Another of the stars of Hollywood - Christina Hendrix - does not burn with the desire to continue. The actress is married, but believes that children are too much responsibility that she is not ready to take over his fragile shoulders. Yes, and the preservation of a slim figure, the child clearly does not contribute.

Quentin Tarantino

If we talk about childless men who conquered the creative Olympus, then you can not forget about the famous film director Quentine Tarantino. Quentin himself explains the childless life simply: "It is worth doing not children, but movies." What, in fact, the director turns out well.

John Hamm.

American actor John Hamm, who became famous after the role in Sitkom "Madness", declares: He would be a terrible father. There is some truth in this: Hamm is often removed, so he would really not have enough time to potential children.

Christopher Waken

Impressant American Christopher Waken never wanted children. Being a faithful husband (with his wife he lives since 1969), Wacken always emphasizes that "the absence of children and made my career so productive."

Olga Buzova

Among Russian celebrities who have no children should be mentioned Olga Buzov. Extravagant TV presenter, actress and business woman does not like when subscribers in social networks are interested, whether Olga wants to become a mother.

"Live your life, my life means my rules," so the celebrity responds to the dissatisfaction of subscribers to her mindlessness.

Ravshana Kurkov

Separately, it is worth saying about the Russian-Uzbek actress Ravshana Knikova. Ravzhana wants a child, but because of the first miscarriage it is now difficult to get pregnant. The kinodiv herself complained more than once that some of her fans, not knowing about the problems of celebrity with health, condemned her for childlessness.

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