Lavgeney Masha - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Films



Lavrenty Masha, the actor and movie actor, could not fully realize and reveal his creative potential. According to the director Leonid Lukov, the Masha was amazingly a textured, deep artist capable of sharply accurate and emotional roles, but not at that time was born. But, even playing minor characters, Lavrenty Emelyanovich was delivered to the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR and left a bright mark after himself.

Childhood and youth

A future actor was born at the end of the summer of 1909 in the village with the ungually title title of Plusaki, at that time relating to the Kiev province. He and his older brother Peter brought up in the peasant family, far from art.

Fortunately for children, his father transported a family in Kiev, where it was working in a river shipping company for him. At first, he worked as a sailor, then settled at the worker's factory. Similar fate waited and sons, but they managed to escape from poverty and routine.

Lavrenty Masha in youth (frame from the movie

In the 16th youngest son, who studied in a labor school, found work at the factory: the founder took a young student. Having learned that the company has a drama, Lavrenty was signed up. In the evenings, the guy disappeared at rehearsals and so carried away that he did not think of life without a scene. True, the Masha Jr. self-critical evaluated acting abilities and believed that his path was directed.

In 1928, the young man entered the Kiev Music and Drama Institute by choosing the director. The elder brother at that time was already filmed in his cinema and, according to Alexander Dovzhenko, was extremely talented.

Personal life

Reviewality and bright talent did not make a personal life of the actor happy. Employment in the theater and on the filming took away from the Lavrentity masoi all free time. He sadly joked that "married to cinema."

Colleagues said that about the handsome Maska, whose photos were replicated hundreds of thousands, many girls sighed, but did not manage to bring him to the registry office. Often, the artist appointed a friend likely a date, but forgot about him, immersed in the study of the new role. He remained enviable bachelor.


The creative biography of Masih began on the 1st year of the university: the student was offered a role in a mute kinocarthine "Komsomolia". And although the film is lost and the debut of Laurentia masks not to see, he himself remained in complete admiration from work on the set and realized that he would return to her. From that moment on, 3-4 tapes with the participation of the artist were released on screens.

In 1931, after graduating from the university, the young director settled an assistant at the Kiev film studio. In the same year, he starred in two paintings - "Italian" and "Carmelule". The first ribbon is removed onion and tells about the role of the Komsomol residents in the restoration of the coal industry of Donbass. Two brothers met on the filming of the film: Peter played Kurkula, Lawrence - Shakhtar.

After 3 years, Lukov again called the Masku-younger in the drama "youth." At that time, the actor left the film studio and settled in the theater. I. Franco. On these stage, he spoke before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

The peak of the career of the artist is called the role of the Kulatsky Son Makara Logotina in Drama Lukov "Great Life". In the execution of Laurentia, the masses sounded the song "Sleep the Dark Mounds". After the release of the film on the screens, he and his colleagues Boris Andreev, Peter Aleiniki, Mark Bernes became famous for the whole country. The oil was invited to the capital, but the plans changed the war.

After the victory, the Ukrainian artist went to Moscow, where until 1957 served in the studio-studio of the film actor. Then changed the work: Lavrentia was taken to the film studio. M. Gorky. But the acting career was developed difficult: if the masher was called to play positive heroes in the youth, then after the war they offered only negative characters.

The cause of Opal was the elder brother, who in 1943 to Germany. After the return, he did not starred and did not have the right to enter the scenes of the metropolitan theaters. The shadow of unreliability fell on the junior mass.

The actor's filmography has been replenished with secondary roles in the two-fighters, Stalingrad Battle, "Loss", "Oleko Dundich", "Heart of Bonivour" and "Crown of the Russian Empire".


Tatiana's proposal to Lozinova to play in the epochable series "Seventeen Moments of Spring" The actor considered a huge luck. The director collected all the stars of cinema in the film. And although the Lavrentation of the Masher was offered the password role of the secretary of Muller, Sus Scholz Standentefürera, he understood the scale of the project.

This work was the last for the artist. According to Leonid Armorovoy, Lioznova fell on the mass, when it could not be done from the first duplicate: "Grupenführer, Starlitz Studentenführer comes along the corridor."

Lavhentine Masha (frame from the movie

After a belling, the actor went to the restaurant and a glass of vodka drank a glass. The cause of death began to stop the heart. I left the doctors left to memorize the death.

I buried the actor, who did not live a couple of months to the 62th anniversary, on the metropolitan Don Cemetery. Later, the remains were transported to Kiev, on the bike. 20 years old near the grave of Laurentia Mashi appeared the second - Senior Brother Peter.


  • 1931 - "Italian"
  • 1939 - "Shchors"
  • 1941 - "Mother"
  • 1943 - "Two Fighters"
  • 1946 - "Great Life"
  • 1949 - "Stalingrad Battle"
  • 1951 - "Taras Shevchenko"
  • 1954 - "It is impossible to forget about it"
  • 1957 - "True"
  • 1961 - "Lubushka"
  • 1962 - "Armageddon"
  • 1964 - "They walked to the East"
  • 1966 - "Through thin ice"
  • 1967 - "Sophia Pepovskaya"
  • 1969 - "Bonivour's Heart"
  • 1971 - "Crown of the Russian Empire, or no longer"
  • 1973 - "Seventeen Moments of Spring"

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