Movie "Give a plaintive book" (1965): actors, fate, photo, director


Not every film is honored by state and festival awards, but even more difficult to win the love of the audience. In 1965, the picture of Eldar Ryazanov "Give a plaintive book" to achieve recognition managed: the tape about the weekdays of the dandelion restaurant was disassembled by the quotes, and songs sounded not only from the screen. The director who, abandoning Pavilions, filmed a picture in the natural scenery of Moscow and Kamchatka, tried, but the considerable merit of such success belongs to the actors. About how the fate of the executives of major roles in the film will tell the material 24cmi.

Oleg Borisov (1929-1994)


The actor fulfilled the main role. Oleg Borisov Character, Journalist Yuri Nikitin, who received a portion of rudeness in the restaurant "Dandelion" instead of dinner, decides to deal with negligent employees of the institution, publishing a satirical feuilleton. A funny story happened to the artist in infancy: instead of him, Mother issued a girl in the maternity hospital, and the woman had to demand to return her baby. Oleg Borisov died due to lympholecosis in 1994 - he was buried in Moscow, at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Larisa Golubanka (1940)


The role of the director of a disadvantaged caterior catering, Tatiana Noisova, performed actress Larisa Golubanka, whose photo after the "hussar ballad" was familiar to all Soviet people. The artist wanted to fulfill the song "Good evening,", but the director decided that the management restaurant singing a cheerful song would look unreliable. Despite the age, Larisa Golubina continues to work in two theaters: the tstern and the theater named after Pushkin.

Anatoly Kuznetsov (1930-2014)


Actor Anatoly Kuznetsov played in the film of the groom Tatyana. When Anatoly Borisovich was approved for the role of Sukhova in the "White Sun of the Desert", he was removed from filming because of the leg injuries, but he made a drunken debaches, and Kuznetsov returned to the replacement of George Yumatov. In March 2014, "Comrade Sukhov" died, committed to suicide - not wanting to remain because of cancer with disabilities, the artist accepted the deadly dose of drugs.

Anatoly Papanov (1922-1987)


The role of Vasily Kuttietov, Deputy Tatyana Shumova, who loving to miss a glass-other "at the expense of the institution", performed Anatoly Papanov. The actor was damaged to the war in war, why he was forced to walk with a cane at 21, but injury did not stop Papanov in a desire to become an artist. The last film, in which Anatoly Dmitrievich played, was the picture "Cold Summer Fifty-thirds ..." - during filming, in August 1987, the actor died from a heart attack.

Nikolay Kryuchkov (1911-1994)


Winner of the Stalinist Prize and People's Artist of the USSR played Nikolai Ivanovich, Head of Trade Management. Characters whose roles Nikolai Kryuchkov performed on the screen, became an example for Soviet people: he even refused to let go to the front, motivating the fact that, removing in the movies, he would bring no less benefit to his homeland. The actor in 1994 died - the reason was a malignant education in the throat caused by smoking.

Nikolai Parfenov (1912-1999)


The actor was not just called the "king of the second roles": the head of the cater of the catering Ivan Postnikov in the performance of Nikolai Parfenov loved the audience - the quotes of his character went into the people. Behind the artist's shoulders are more than 130 roles, and in the TV journal "Fitil" Parfenova considered the record holder in the number of issues with his participation. Death took away Nikolai Ivanovich in January 1999 - the "Master of Episode" died of hemorrhage into the brain.

Rina Green (1901-1991)


Another "Queen of the episode", Rin Green performed the role of the singer in the restaurant before turning it from an old-fashioned establishment in a youth cafe. The actress was kidding that if he gets "People's Artist", then "40 minutes to death." And the fate ordered: a few hours after signing in 1991, the decree of the award of Ekaterina Vasilyevna died of cancer.

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