Movie "Ninth" (2019): actors, roles, director, release date, trailer


November 7, 2019 - the date of release of mystical thriller from the Russian director Nikolai Homeriki "Ninth". Kinokarttina aroused a living interest among the public immediately after the first trailers in the network appeared at the end of July of the current year. What actors are involved in a mystico-detective project, in what roles they will appear to the audience this time, as well as about curious facts related to the creation of the film, will tell the material 24cm.


Initially, the project, the director of which occupied Nikolai Homeriki, whose works "977" and "Tale about the Darkness" were presented in the "Special Look" program at the Cannes Film Festival, was conceived as a psychological thriller. The Writer Jack Reed was in the lead role, pursuing a maniac, which is copying the crime of the American serial killer described in the book of the chief hero. However, then the concept shied towards mysticism, and the representative of the Russian police of the late XIX century came to the fore.

The shooting took place in St. Petersburg in 2018, for which the movement was repeatedly stopped on the streets of the cultural capital. The budget of the picture is 450 million rubles.

Actors and roles

The role of Colonel Rostov, the main acting person, performs the actor Evgeny Tsyganov. His character in the film is the recently appointed head of the police, due to the lack of ravous experience, which is weakly representing how to investigate a maniac suddenly announced in St. Petersburg. Yes, and the very investigation of the killings of girls is entrusted to him in punishment for non-historicalness, while colleagues are engaged in more important searches - they catch anarchists who preparing an attempt on the sovereign. In 2019, the audience will see another film with Evgeny Tsyganov - the actor starred in the film "Creator", the release date of which was scheduled for November 28.

The English actress Daisie Head appears in the picture in the form of Olivia Reed, British clairvoyant, whose arrival in the capital of the Russian Empire coincides with the beginning of cruel ritual murders. The girl attracted by the spiritual abilities of the girl, Rostov finds in the foreign guest of the assistant in the search for a mysterious criminal. In 2018, the film "Ophelia" was released, as well as the series "Friends" - both with Daisie Head.

Assistant Colonel Rostov, Ganin, from whose person is conducted by the story, played Dmitry Lysenkov. His hero is an experienced cheer officer, who knows his own business. Ganin has a lot of need to "nurse" with useless, as it seems at first glance, the head that does not want to follow the rules familiar to the police. Dmitry Lysenkov also starred in the role of Nicholas in the comedy picture of the director of the Duni Fox "Heat", the premiere of which was held on September 5, 2019.

Yuri Kolikolnikov (Golitsyn), Maria Skratov (Avdotya), Anna Christich (Marfa Berg) and Vyacheslav Gasai (creepy) were filmed in the picture.

Interesting Facts

Initially, the director planned that the role of Olivia Reed would get to Kate Skodelario, familiar to the Russian viewer on the films of the trilogy "Running in the Maze" and "Pirates of the Caribbean Sea: the dead do not tell fairy tales." However, as a result, Daisie Head was approved for this place, playing the role of Grace Evwood in the series "Accused", which was published from June to August 2016.

The finale of the paintings remained a mystery even for the film crew. For the film, three different scenarios of the junction were spelled, of which two were captured, but before the last was kept secret, which of the options will enter the film with the final installation.

The murders committed by the Criminal Murders were intentionally located so that in the geographical map of St. Petersburg, they formed a pentagram.

The film "Ninth" - Trailer:

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