Alexander Stefanovich - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, children, Alla Pugacheva, films 2021



The scriptwriter, director and actor Alexander Stefanovich knew not only on these hypostas. He was also an innovator: the first film-television interview, the first filmosycle, the first music clip. Thanks to the media for Stephanovich, the status of the first imcription and producer of the Soviet Union was entrenched, when he also did not know such words. And the large part of the population, Alexander Borisovich, was known for the fact that in his biography there is a page marked with the star of the Soviet and Russian pop, Alla Pugacheva.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Borisovich was born in the frosty December 1944 in Leningrad and interpreted fully difficult post-war time. The boys themselves searched for their entertainment. Sasha got fascinated by sports - height jumps, and the progress turned out to be such that the guy was in the school of the Olympic reserve.

In adolescence, Stefanovich became friends with Sergei Solovyov, the future director of Assa. They decided to take a steam on a couple. Although the guys had no idea who was such a director, in their understanding it was the main person on the site, which is asked for advice and permissions. Nevertheless, friends realized that for this you need luggage knowledge, and started self-education.

Sergey and Alexander became regulars of libraries, theaters and museums, somehow penetrated the closed shows in the cinema, they were engaged in photography and filmed to amateur film. After the 8th grade, the guys got on Leningrad Television, Stefanovich got into the staged shop. In the service pass, there was a proud "director", and it did not matter that the first word Alexander finished himself. In 1969, he graduated from VGIK, the directorial course of Lev Kuleshov.


In the distant 1958, Alexander Borisovich tried to start the acting filmography, coming to the samples in the painting "Andreyka" about the children of St. Petersburg workers, which in the 1917th helped to expose the agents of the temporary government. However, the young man did not take a simple reason: Sasha did not argone the letter "r".

I once again tried to good luck at the 2nd year of the Institute in the lead role in the Military Drama Grigory Married "Goodbye". As the artist remembered, he very much wanted to remove there, since it was possible to get acquainted with Jeanne Prokhorenko, Oleg Strizhenov, Vladimir Zamansky. Alexander feared that they would again refuse due to the moldability, but just because of this feature of the student and approved.

Stefanovich considered the days of filming in the best memories: the group lived in Yalta, on the walks of the young artist, accompanied the crowd of fans, and the salary was ten times the scholarship.

On the 3rd course of Vgika Stefanovich on the distribution, he was on the practice of Lenfilm, but, according to his own words, as such an industrial practice did not shine there. By chance, going to Leningrad television, the future director received a task to make a film about young people.

With the instructions, Alexander coped brilliantly. The documentary picture "All my sons" received a total of 14 premiums, she was shown to students like a film like which was obliged to remove each director. The legend of the Soviet cinema Grigory Chukhray invited the film crew to work in Mosfilm and offered to remove the ribbon, which wishes.

The ambitious director began with a scope. In the debut painting "Residence permit" invited Marina Vladimir Vysotsky immediately. The script was preparing Alexander Schelekhanov, co-author of the first tape on the Soviet intelligence "Dead Season". Sergey Mikhalkov helped breakbones.

But the efforts turned out to be in vain: the director was called on Lubyanka and said that Vlad and Vysotsky in the main studio of the country could not be removed. According to Stefanovich, Vysotsky then very upset, and the Song of Gollyed appeared later as the scenario appeared later. As a result, Albert Filosov and Victoria Fedorova, the daughter of the actress Zoe Fedorova, starred in the film.

Cooperation with Mikhalkov continued with a satirical comedy "Pena" about the official who bought the thesis. In 1974, Alexander Borisovich reached the first musical tape "Dear Boy", a modity of future clips. After 3 years, he removed the film about VIA "Pesnyary" called "Disc", dedicated to the outlet of the group's record.

Stephanovich is obliged to appear in the cinema Sofia Rotaru, Alexander Rosenbaum and "Time Machine".

From the feature films in which Stefanovich participated as a director and screenwriter, a mansion is "Courage". The ribbon about the novice singer Halle and his spinning director was removed on the name of the novel by Alexander Borisovich, in many respects autobiographical.

This is a story about a special period of personal life when he was in love with Primaudonna, about the society of bright and outstanding people who lived on the combination of zador and courage. In the role of the secretary of the director "Mosfilm" on the movie screen debuted by the participant of Eurovision Dina Garipova. According to Stefanovich, "Courage" is knocked out of the total masses of painted pictures.

"I do not remember another example for a person who lived a certain period of life, wrote about this book, then a script, then removed the film and fulfilled the main role there."

In the spring of 2018, at one of the TV channels, Alexander shared the details of the filming of the film "Soul". Removing the picture, he did not think to pump the primary, as it is considered. According to him, the singer did not follow the shooting schedule, Hamila employees, and the film crew ended the patience on the first day.

The transmission sounded the words that Alla Pugacheva later tried to return to the shooting platform and demanded a new director, to which Mosfilm leadership replied that he had changed actors, but not directors, so the main role went to Sofia Rotaru.

In the fall of the 2020, the premiere of the "Movement Up" picture, supplied by Alexander Borisovich, took place. Documentary tape talks about the career and vital path of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation Nikita Mikhalkov.

After the director noted in an interview, which, together with the producers, is engaged in the preparation of a new artistic picture, but it did not go into details:

"We, filmmakers, are superstitious people, so do not love to talk about our plans in advance, but the film will be interesting and sensational."


Writing activities occupied a special place in the work of the director. Together with Edward Popolem at the beginning of the millennium, he published a novel "I want your girl" and this laid the start of the bibliography.

The genre in which Stefanovich expressed his thought on paper, Evgeny Raine described as a "modern Plutovsky Roman." According to the poet, the story of Alexander Borisovich is always permeated by the feeling of the holiday, as well as his attitude to life.

In 2001, the director released a collection of stories "Day Beaujolais", and after the break, the light saw a book called "Man from Ostankino", telling about the secrets of television, which was noted by the Award of the Union of Journalists of Russia.

The novel "Nikas magnificent" Stefanovich wrote, based on the bright personality of the modern artist Nikas Safronova.

Personal life

Alexander Stefanovich married another student on actress Natalia Bogunova, the star of the film "Big Change". Children in a seven-year marriage did not appear - according to Bogunova, her husband did not want.

Spouses often quarreled, went and returned. But the director argued that after the divorce they had a friendly relationship, and in general he was happy that he loved such a beauty. The nephew of the actress in an interview admitted that Natalia loved Alexander Borisovich all his life, therefore no longer married.

3 years after the divorce, in 1976, Stefanovich became Her husband Alla Pugacheva. Then she was an ascending star of the stage, only received the Golden Orpheus, and Alexander did not hear about her at all. He introduced their common friend - the poet Leonid Derbenev.

The director suggested that he probably expected that Alla would use in some picture. After all, at that time Pugachev sang Derbenueva and Alexander Zatsepina, so the singer was in their interests to promote. Later Stefanovich told in an interview that the next day, together with the decision that they would be together, the idea of ​​the song of Alla Pugacheva came to the theater.

In an interview with the "Caravan of stories", the director said that the wedding with the performer was hasty, because he needed to go on a business trip, and Alle Borisovna - on tour. The ceremony took place on December 24, 1977, composer Leonid Garin made a common witness, and Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov lent a thousand rubles for a celebration.

Alexander Borisovich believed that in terms of vocal Irina Ponarovskaya and Larisa Dolina surpassed his wife, and the artistry will help to stand out in their background. In addition, at the request of the producer-pioneer, the song was written on the first person, only in Russian, a myth of a difficult female share and searches for love was used.

In 1981, family life with Alla Borisovoy ended, and Stefanovich officially no longer married. But during this time, the image of the singer, loved by millions.

Among the close friends of the director, Alla Mochniyuk, starred in the film "Start first", and the last "Miss USSR" Yulia Lemigova. Photos of beauties often appeared in the press, including in connection with marriage with a tennis player Martin Navratilova.

And in 2011, or in a joke, or seriously Alexander Borisovich made an offer to Angelina Vovk, she promised to think.


In the summer of 2021, the press appeared in the press, which Stefanovich was hospitalized with coronavirus infection. But Alexander Borisovich then denied rumors. According to him, the analysis of infection has given a negative result, and the disease turned out to be ordinary ARS.

However, July 14, Stefanovich died. The cause of death was called an extensive damage to the lungs due to COVID-19. Announced the death of the director of his friend Alexander Levshin: "I learned about Sasha ... flew ... I mourn ... My God! What is!? It does not spare this infection, "Plotshin wrote in Facebook.


  • 1967 - "All my sons"
  • 1969 - "Magic"
  • 1972 - "Residence permit"
  • 1974 - "Dear Boy"
  • 1979 - "Foam"
  • 1981 - "Soul"
  • 1987 - "Two hours with bards"
  • 1992 - "Kremlin plot"
  • 1995 - "Monte Carlo without roulette"
  • 1998 - "Yuriy Lyubimov. Monologue"
  • 2001 - "Autumn Blues"
  • 2004 - "Furious Zurab"
  • 2007 - "Hot August 91st year"
  • 2011 - "Mosque of the Parisian Our Lady"
  • 2014 - "Courage"


  • 2000 - "I want your girlfriend"
  • 2001 - "Beauzola's Day"
  • 2010 - "Man from Ostankino"
  • 2011 - "Nikas Gorgeous"

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