Kinogeroes that could be president: Russian, foreign, 2019


What polls do not come up with sociologists to collect statistical information. In 2019, the VTsiOM conducted a study, during which respondents were offered to choose from the list of kinoherroes of that character who could become president, as well as determine the qualities important for the head of state. The survey was dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the first interview - in 1999, and now, in the list of alleged candidates, foreign persons did not fall, dividing the voices between the "representatives of the Russian side".

Colonel Isaev (Stirlitz)

Standardfürer Max Otto Von Stirlitz confidently took the leading position - he was supported by 20% of the number of respondents. Sociologists argue that the case is not only in a reverent attitude to the character of the Soviet film - the forefront of people came to the stability and tranquility. This indicates a monotonous and painstaking work carried out by an agent in the territory of the enemy. An important factor was that the image of the Soviet intelligence officer resembles the identity of the current head of state.

For comparison: in 1999, when the impressions of the appropriate to the end of the decade were strong, the respondents at the first line put Gleb Zhuglov, not least for the uncompromising dislike for criminal elements.

Professor Preobrazhensky

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On the second line of the national rating of promising "seasons in politics" with 12% of the vote turned out to be a film heer of a fantastic ribbon on the novel Mikhail Bulgakov "Dog's Heart". Sociologists are confident that the character of Professor Preobrazhensky has other quality characterizing current public processes, a critical attitude towards power. At the same time, the criticism is local in nature, symbolizing the desire of people to figure out the disorder on the ground in the absence of impulses to global change.

Danila Bagrov

Young men of the male under 35 were offered as a candidate for the head of the head of the hero of the Dilogy of Alexey Balabanova "Brother." Analysts from the Center for Studying Public Opinion are inclined to see in such a turnover of the case a banal cause: Danila Baghrov, who received 11%, became a bright cinema that was remembered at a young age, whatever the context of the survey. At the same time, the quality of the character indicates that among the gender-age-age pre-layer, reflections on politics and changes in society are not in the go, inferior to household issues.

Maria Shvetsov

The heroine of the series "Secrets of the Corollary", also scoring 11%, became a kind of analogue of the Stirlitz for the female part of the respondents. The statement that Maria Shvetsov is suitable to become president, indicates the desire to live in a relaxed atmosphere and stability in the absence of factors that threaten life and welfare. The fact that Maria, like Zheglov, works in the investigative bodies, speaks of confidence: the offender must be punished, but the change of time and the situation in the country involves softer actions to solve this problem.

In addition to the indicated kinoheroes, the survey participants saw the potential of the state leader in the following candidates: Ekaterina Tikhomirova, Sasha White, Anton Gorodetsky, Semen Semenovich Gorbunkkov, Valery Kharlamov and others. True, the remaining "cinema politicians" did not score even 10% of the total number of votes.

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