Baks Barnes (Character) - Photo, Marvel Comics, Biography, Quotes, Captain America


Character History

Baks Barnes - a character of the popular series of comic marvel comics about the adventures of superheroes. He is the right hand of Captain America, a friend and assistant. The life of the warrior is filled with many exciting, dangerous and bright adventures. Several times for the history of existence, the hero changes the role, he is spying, it turns out on the verge of life and death, but whatever happens, it turns out the winner of difficult situations.

History of character creation

On the pages of comic, the character appeared in 1941. The hero created artists Joe Simon and Jacob Kerby. The full name of the character is James Bucanen Barnes. Since comics were created during World War II, it was important to emphasize the illustrators to emphasize the courage of images. No exceptions and tanks. The guy was portrayed at sports, slim, with attractive features of the face. The characteristic of the hero was carefully thought out, and his personal life.

Barnes owns martial arts, professionally managed with different types of weapons, perfectly shoots in conditions of poor visibility. Over the years, the list is complemented by new abilities - knowledge of foreign languages, spying skills. In the course of a complex operation, the hero loses his hand. Now the tanks have a bionic prosthesis that gives a number of additional opportunities - the production of electrical charges, the production of electromagnetic pulses.

In addition, emitters are built into the left palm of the character, allowing to hide metal things when checking through a metal detector. At the same time, the hand looks real. Being a superhero, Barnes is equipped with a shield from a particularly durable alloy, he also carries a shock-absorbing suit.

Biography Baku Barnes

The creators presented a detailed biography of the hero. It is known that James was born in Shelbilille, Indiana, March 10, 1917. The boy's childhood turned out to be difficult - his mother died early. The character brought up his father, military. But when the tanks turned 20, he died during tests in the military unit. The guy stayed to live in a military camp, mastering martial art. James made friends with a soldier Steve Rogers. The beginning of friendship coincided with the emergence of news about the exploits of Captain America.

Soon Barnes found out the secret - Rogers turned out to be the very hero that everyone spoke. For some time, the tanks led to workout under the supervision of Captain America, and then found the status of his partner. Together they fought with a red skull, fought in the states with the Nazis. In addition, Barnes with other young warriors joined the team "Young Allies".

A serious test for friends was the task of saving the stolen experimental drone. Penetrating the plane, Steve and James realized that the bomb was laid on board, and they tried to neutralize it, but it failed. After the explosion, Rogers found himself in the Atlantic Ocean, from where the Avengers were removed. What happened to the partner of Captain America, for a long time remained a mystery - it was believed that he was killed.

However, the hero was able to survive - the tanks discovered the crew of the Soviet submarine driven by Captain Vasily Karpov. Warrior lost his left hand, and also damaged the brain, because of what amnesia arose. For several years, the character stayed in Anabiosa. Especially for the guy, Soviet developers created a bionic prosthesis of hand. So without restoring memory, James became a mercenary named Winter soldiers working for the Department of X.

Cooperating with Soviet intelligence, tanks started a novel with Natasha Romanova, a girl known for nicknamed a black widow. Outside working hours, the hero spent time in a cryogenic capsule, allowing him to remain young. On the instructions of General Lukin, James must destroy the Red Skull and Jack Monroe and kidnap the space cube. The captain of America becomes known about this operation. The hero learns that winter soldiers - his lost partner.

Rogers returns to a friend of memories, after which it torments the feeling of guilt. They work again together, reflecting the attacks of terrorists. Meanwhile, the civil war ripes in the superhero group. Steve is captured, and after dying. Now the tanks should take revenge on the death of a friend, deal with Tony Stark. However, before that, Barnes returns to Russia, it learns that Lukin is a red skull, and enters the laboratory of Dr. Fausta.

After escaping from the laboratory, as well as after the arrest of James Agents "Sch.I.T." The hero is eager for revenge. However, the events are noted as a character conceived. It turns out that before the death of Rogers handed the letter to Tony Stork, in which he asked to transfer the powers of Captain America Baki. Barnes agrees to receive a new status, but on its own conditions that are contrary to the laws of registration of superheroes, but Stark takes them.

Baks Barnes in films

Barnes first appeared on the screens in 2011 in the film "First Avenger". The role of the hero was played by the young actor Sebastian Stan, who was well handed over the character of his personality. The story of the picture was based on the story of the character to the "death" in the plane crash and the loss of the left hand. Continuing the events of the public saw in the film 2014 "First Avenger: Another War" - here James acts in the role of a winter soldier. In 2016, the filmography about the adventures of the hero was replenished with the picture "First Avenger: confrontation".

The drama of events is intensified - civil war begins between superheroes. One camp is headed by Captain America. This includes tanks who returned memory, and other warriors. The second camp commands Tony Stark, developing a cunning plan with Peter Parker. James threatens a deadly danger - Tony will find out that he is guilty of his parents' death, but Rogers saves a friend.

Many tank phrases have become popular quotes.


  • 2011 - "First Avenger"
  • 2014 - "First Avenger: Another War"
  • 2016 - "First Avenger: confrontation"
  • 2018 - "Avengers: the war of infinity"
  • 2019 - "Avengers: Final"

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