Mia Talariko - Photo, Biography, Actress, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Mia Talariko early became an actress. Already at 11 months, she began to be filmed in the series, who brought her the love of fans and the glory of the star of the Internet.


Mia Keitlin Talerico was born on September 17, 2008 in Santa Barbara, USA. Girl's parents work on television. She has a junior sister of the Obeli, which was born in 2012.


The talent of small actresses noticed early. Already at 11 months, she began to participate in the popular American TV series "Hold on, Charlie!". Because of the law, restricting child labor, girls twin girls were looking for a major role. But when the creators of the project saw Mia, decided to give her a chance. It was risky, because the entire film crew had to adapt to the mood and the timetable for the child.

However, Talariko led herself as a professional actress. She did not frighte the light of the spotlights, rarely climbed and quickly revealed with other artists. At the site, her parents were always present at the site, who at the right moment could distract the girl toys or help her to master the scene. They also helped to teach a few replicas and memorize actions.

The creator of the series Phil Baker admitted that he loved to talk to the baby in the breaks between the work on the show. Her stories and funny entrances inspired him to writing new scenes.

After entering the screens "Hold on, Charlie!" Received positive feedback. The series about a simple American family, which is trying to cope with the birth of a fourth child, did not leave the audience indifferent. A beginner artist who performed the role of charming Charlie Duncan, became a loved one. The scene in which Mia misunderstands his hands, became an Internet meme. Even those who have not watched the show learned about the girl.

No less successful was the film "Hold on, Charlie! This is Christmas! ", Which tells about the festive adventures of the on-screen family.

In parallel with the shooting Talerico, the model career began. She represented a spring collection of a children's brand of Guess Kids, participated in a show for rookiela.

When the actress turned 4 years old, her mother created a page in "Instagram", where he began to lay out the daylight photos of his daughter. The account collected a million subscriber audience, which left positive comments. And the video for "Youtyuba" quickly gained views.

In 2014, a difficult moment was occurring in the biography of the artist. Insults and even the threats of death fell on Talariko. It was associated with the decision of the Dieney channel to show the lesbian couple in the frame. This first happened in the episode "hold on, Charlie!". Opponents of the LGBT community began to spill the negative on a small star. Parents managed to protect the daughter from experiences, and thanks to the efforts of the police and manuals of the channel, the conflict was settled. That same year the series was closed.

Mia suspended the acting career, went to school and dedicated the time to hobbies. Dancing was engaged in skiing and played with new friends. In 2017, her filmography was replenished again. It appeared on the screens in the short movie "Photographic Memory".

The next major project in which the star participated was the series "Mani". He tells about the girl Sky, for which parents found an unusual nanny. The star appeared in the 2nd season and fulfilled the role of Young Page. The plot received high evaluations of critics. The actress was invited to play in the 3rd season.

Mia Talariko now

In 2019, it became known that Talariko would take off in the continuation of the Criminal Drama of Conrad, where the character will play by Molly.

Now Mia leads the life of an ordinary teenager. Fans are followed by a page in "Instagram", where she publishes photos from holidays and travel, shares success in surfing and dancing.

Fans celebrate how rapid girl grows and changes. At 11 years old, its growth reached a mark of 142 cm, and the weight exceeded 35 kg.


  • 2010-2014 - "Hold on, Charlie!"
  • 2011 - "Hold on, Charlie! This is Christmas! "
  • 2013 - "Jessie"
  • 2015 - "Theory of Shadows"
  • 2017 - "Photographic Memory"
  • 2018 - "Mani"

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