Tonus of the uterus during pregnancy: reasons, symptoms what to do


There is a speech about the increased tone of the uterus when it is often reduced. The process is not always risky, and it provoke a variety of reasons.

What is a tone of the uterus? Causes of tone

Tonus of the uterus during pregnancy: symptoms what to do

The uterus constantly has an activity that is considered healthy. But frequent and strong movements are hyperton, they are harmful to the unborn baby. What does the uterus mean in tone? It is reduced by 1-2 minutes, as a result there is a feeling of rejection at the bottom of the abdomen. It is caused toxicosis, features of the development of the body, its stretching due to the large size of a child or several embryos, a tumor, a rhesus conflict (different rees-factors from mother and father), lack of sleep, anxiety and just gases in the intestine.

Symptoms of the tone of the uterus during pregnancy

How to determine the reduction of the organ? At the beginning of pregnancy, pain appear, as in menstruation, the belly is at the bottom pulls, the back hurts. In the 2nd trimester, the area below seems to be selected with blood. The tone during pregnancy in early time threatens the loss of a child, and in the 3rd trimester - early childbirth, in which the death of the baby is possible. In the West, the problem is not diagnosed, not counting it dangerous. But when rebuilding, the likelihood of the lack of oxygen and nutrients increases during the attacks of the fetus, which delays the development of the child.

Tonus of the uterus during pregnancy: symptoms what to do

The symptoms are dangerous only when they are accompanied by unpleasant sensations and continue more than 2-3 minutes. The tone is harmless if there is a couple of times a day. In the first 2-3 weeks of tooling the body adapts to a new state. During laughter, orgasm and vomiting during pregnancy, the reproductive organ is also reduced. This does not mean to laugh or have sex forbidden. But multiple vomiting with toxicosis represents risk. In a few days or weeks before the formation of the uterus, it is reduced because it is preparing for them. This is a physiological process that does not harm.

How to remove the uterus tone during pregnancy

Approaches to the removal of the tone of the uterus during pregnancy depends on the cause. Gas sit on a diet, which reduces their education. Refusses of carbonated drinks, strong coffee, black bread, legumes, cabbage, onions, milk. Stress reduce, trying to be in a relaxed atmosphere among the benevolent people. The future mother seeks to get enough sleep, pouring a course of vitamins E and folic acid. By appointment, the doctor takes soothing and drugs that reduce the tone during pregnancy. It is useful to make static exercises, abandon intensive and long extensive physical exertion. Remove reduce during pregnancy with rhesv conflict help anti -usus immunoglobulin injections.

Tonus of the uterus during pregnancy: symptoms what to do

As a last resort, if there is a threat to the loss of the child, the doctor offers a woman hospitalization. In the surprise, this is called "lie on saving". Doctors constantly observe the patient, give it vitamins, soothing, preparations that remove spasms, hormonal agents. If the risk of premature birth is high, the doctor's hormonal drugs accelerate the ripening of the child. When early childbirth due to musculature activity was activated earlier than the 28th week, they give medicines that relax to interrupt the process. Ideally, the baby hold in the mother's belly until the 34th week, when the chances of survival on statistics are good, or at least until the 28th.

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