Stars suffering from paranoia: Russian, Hollywood, 2019


People suffering from paranoia suffer from delusional ideas that have meaning for them. They are afraid of persecution, attacks, illness. Signs of each person are different, depending on what bothers it. Stars suffering from paranoia are tormented along with others and turn to specialized help. It is not always possible to cope with the obsessive state alone.

Angelina Jolie

Hollywood Star Angelina Jolie in the late 90s suffered from deadly thoughts. She was pursued by obsessive states. After the help of the psychiatrist, it became easier for her. But paranoid thoughts remained and manifested when Jolie began to live with Brad Pitt. They spent on the employment of the home system of security of 23 million dollars. The entrance to the room was carried out on a fingerprint, and their mansion guarded the special forces squad around the clock.

Bill Gates

One of the founders of Microsoft Bill Gates suffers from managing persecution. He together with his family lives in a huge house, which is considered the most expensive in the United States. Gates fears surveillance and attacks. Its dwelling from the inside "stuck" with hidden cameras that fix each movement. Guests coming to the businessman's house are at the entrance you receive electromagnetic labels, without which it is impossible to move from one room to another.

Nikolay Baskov

Russian stars are also not insured against paranoia. The "golden voice of Russia" Nikolay Baskov fears fans that he has millions. He does not care even outside the scene: the fans will wait at home and on vacation. To protect against the uninvited guests, he hired guards who follow it 24 hours a day. The fear of annoying fans turned Basque to paranoid.

Jim carrey

At the actor Jim Kerry, a set of mental illnesses is wider than the other Hollywood stars. The first diagnosis of the star was put in childhood - a deficit of attention and hyperactivity. Paranoia, which manifests itself in painful suspicion, tormenting the actor all his life. Jim Kerry writes a book about his mental illnesses. The star believes that he is followed. Wears a device that checks the house on the "wiretap".

Charlize Theron

In 2019, a comedy "Ta Still" came to the screens, where Charlize Theron starred in the title role. In an interview with the actress admitted that she was annoyed by trash. Dirty cabinets and houses cause her paranoid state, as it cannot fall asleep and thinks about the need for cleaning in this room.

Robert Pattison

In 2012, Robert Pattinson played a role in the Drama "Cute Friend", after which the fans pursue him. The actor claims that because of this, he developed paranoia. He looks around when walking down the street, and spends a lot of time to make himself less recognizable.

Amanda Bains

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Actress Amanda Bains - Paranoik with an official diagnosis. The psychiatrist after communication with the star reported that this state was developed at her against the background of abuse of psycho-mental substances. She speaks with himself, and the voice in the head scares.

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