Falez Miretsky - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Philosopher, Mathematics, Teaching 2021



Falez Miletsky in many ways ahead of time. The ancient Greek philosopher had the quality characteristic of the "universal person" period of the Renaissance - was a talented physicist, mathematician, the founder of the Miletsky school. It is believed that Fales laid the foundations of Greek philosophy. The ideas of the scientist used not only antique philosophers, but also thinkers of the next epochs.


The mathematician was born in the second half of the 6th century BC. NS. According to one sources, the birthplace of Falez became the city of Millet, located in Malaya Asia. In other sources, this fact is questioned - it is believed that the family of the philosopher had Phoenician roots and that the man was in a millet in adulthood.

According to discovered information, Fales engaged in trade, visited the city of Fiva, Memphis and others. In wandering, the dealers not only sold the goods, but also studied at local priests. Over time, a man could determine the causes of flooding, calculating the height of Egyptian pyramids, predicting the yields and lack of town years, solar eclipses. Researchers suggest that the merchant studied geometry in Egypt and then began to distribute scientific knowledge in Greece.

In a short time, the sage found followers and students. So the famous Miletsky school appeared, acquainting the foundations of mathematics, geometry, astronomy, physics and other sciences. Outstanding students of the school were philosophers Anaximandr and Anaximen. Falez contributed to science, creating the theorems on geometry, astronomy.

A little information has been preserved about personal life, sources are inconsistent. According to one, the man remained lonely until the end of his life. The second reported that the mathematician was married, the third - which remained a bachelor, but adopted the sister's son.

Researchers fail to establish the exact dates of the life of Falez. In the biography of the scientist only one specific date - 585 BC. E. When a solar eclipse occurred in a millet. Heavenly phenomenon was predicted by the philosopher, and after the prediction came true, he received glory and folk recognition. Presumably, the mathematician lived for a long time and died when she reached the age of 76 years (in other sources it is indicated that 95 years). The cause of the death of steel heat and the crush, when Fales observed in the crowd of gymnasts.

The man held a military engineer when he served under Tsar Lydia Krezhe. At this time, the transition of royal troops across the Galis River was necessary. To make it possible, mathematician created a dam project and drainage channel. The design allowed to reduce the level of water in the river, and the soldiers safely crossed on the other side.


Scientific works of the researcher have not been preserved. Researchers are attributed to the scientist two treatises - "On Solvents" and "On Equinoxies". The content of these manuscripts is known in the transfer of other, later philosophers. There are points of view, according to which the thinker did not record ideas on paper. The ideas of Falez reports Aristotle in the book "Metaphysics". Mathematics notes that the root of philosophy is the root prisoner of philosophy. The creatures inhabiting the earth are formed from water when the water structure solidifies or freezes.

When the element is thickened, it becomes the earth when evaporates - air. However, water in the wise teachings is an unusual substance, one of the four elements. The scientist "gives" the water with a mind, divine force. At the same time, everything that exists in reality is interconnected and endowed with a soul. For example, a magnet is endowed with a soul, as it attracts iron. The man called the Higher Divine not mythological Zeus, but the mind. In this idea, scientists today see the primitive philosophy of idealism.

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