John McClain (Character) - Photo, Biography, Films, Bruce Willis, "Strong Oreshek"


Character History

John McClain is the main hero of the franchise "strong nut". This American policeman thanks to courage, charismaticness, brutality and withered spectators. In each film series, there are new exciting adventures. McClain demonstrates in them dexterity, resourcefulness and ability to defeat malicious criminals. At the same time, a man can keep in the soul romantic feelings for his wife and love for children. The actor Bruce Willis came in the role of the hero.

History of character creation

The first film of the series was released in 1988. The authors of the project, coming up with the image of John, wanted to create a new type of superhero - more believable and realistic in comparison with the cinema of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone. In front of the audience, an ordinary policeman appears on the screen, who is not alien to nothing human. Complex relationships with family, problems at work bring the character to the nervous breakdowns - McClain is looking for salvation in cigarettes and alcohol.

The image of the policeman became collective. It organically merged the features of the heroes of literary detectives: Joe Lland, Frank Malooun and dirty harry. To emphasize the brutality of John's figures, the costumes picked up a Mike-alcoholic and jeans for him - it is such a description of the character to familiar to most viewers. A policeman has a complex nature, is not afraid to express his opinions to the higher, perfectly joking, is in good physical form. Bruce Willis played his role brilliantly.

I had to do with the lips and corona phrases of the character who became bright quotes. Franchise films were popular among the audience. On the basis of the fighters of the militant, several computer games were created.

Biography John McClein

Facts from the biography of the hero arise in films not in chronological order. It is known that John was born on May 23, 1965. In the fourth series, the opponent of the policeman Thomas Gabriel meets the hero's personal business. From the scene, the audiences learn that the character, played by Willis, graduated from the Police Academy in 1977. That same year, the guy was hired to work in the police. After 2 years, an increase was increased, then the tests for the title of detective, sergeant, lieutenant passed.

In the early 80s, McClain moves to the anti-drug department, from the mid-80s translated into the department of robbery and murders, and in the early 2000s it receives a place in the consolidated forces of the anti-terror. In the personal case, the position of the Hero is denoted as a D-2 detective. Police number 7479 icon number. During operation, the character receives a large number of thanks and medals for a decent service.

Personal life Hero dramatic. Relationship with his wife Holly Genrero-McClain was smashed. At the time of the beginning of the history, the spouses live in different cities: John - in New York, Holly with children - in Los Angeles. From the series to a series of conflict between a couple becomes more tense, despite the fact that McClain saves a favorite woman from death. To the fourth part of the franchise heroes, and not finding a compromise, bred.

The spouses have two children: the eldest daughter of Lucy Genrero-McClain, which was born in 1982, and the younger son Jack McClein, which appeared 2 years later. John has to save the daughter from cyberrorists in the fourth series, and the Son from the Russian mafia. Father and children also have a tense relationship.

John McClain in movies

Film Noodle filmography includes 5 films about the adventures of John McClayer. The creators of the series performed different directions. According to the plot of the first series, the policeman comes to Los Angeles on Christmas Eve to make up his wife. The spouse of the character works by a lawyer in the "Naswimi" corporation. During the Christmas corporate, the company in the building breaks down the terrorist Hans Gruber with a gang of accomplices. They take hostages, including Holly.

John, having learned about it, trying to save his wife. On the way to the goal of the hero, there are dangerous obstacles. The character has to be brought through the ventilation mines, run barefoot over a broken glass and more. By incredible efforts, McClein can not only protect the spouse, but also to deal with the sadness and the team of terrorists.

The action of the second film also unfolds before Christmas. A policeman expects Holly Washington Airport, which should arrive near flight. However, the plane is delayed. It turns out that terrorists are taken under control of the aircraft management system. McClayin's task - to have time to disarm criminals before the approaching aircraft will end fuel. The task of the hero complicates the fact that the airport employee turns out to be a collusion with terrorists. But John manages to correct the situation.

In the third part of the antagonist of a policeman becomes Simon Gruber, the brother of the deceased terrorist Hans. A German leads a dangerous game with a hero - forces the "impossible" tasks, threatening to destroy the entire New York in the event of disobedience. John helps a new familiar Zeus Carver. A series of adventures in which big money is involved, ends with another policeman's victory.

The plot of the fourth series tells about the attack of cyberrorists on the FBI base. The hero working as a detective was forced not only to protect the city from the invasion of "hackers", but also save the daughter from the criminals. The fifth film transfers the action to Russia. John comes here to help out the Son, who was involved in a situation with a break from Russian mafios prison. And in this series, the character comes out the winner.


1988 - "Strong Oreshk"

1990 - "Strong Oreshk 2"

1995 - "Strong nut 3: Retribution"

2007 - "Strong nut 4.0"

2013 - "Strong nut: Good day to die"

Computer games

1990 - Die Hard

1996 - Die Hard Arcade

1996 - Die Hard Trilogy

2002 - Die Hard: Nakatomi Plaza

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