Show "Dances" on TNT (2019): 17 Edition of the season 6 of November 23, participants and video performances


The show "Dances" continues on the TNT channel. The premiere concert was already held, based on the results of which the viewers gave the first voices.

According to the results of the voting, the best dancers in the team of Tatiana Denisova Drama Kings, the worst - Polina Chrinina and Leonid Todorajko. The leader of the Miguel team became Vova Rakov, and the worst dancers - the novel of the Supper and Victoria Belunsov. Keda "headed" Herman Ramazanov, and on the opposite side, Kostya Koval and Masha Seliverstov turned out to be.

Who will remain among the representatives of the "New Generation", and who will leave the project in the 17th issue of the 6th season - in the material 24cm.


All participants who were in "folk disrespectness" distinguished themselves as special persistence. All, without exception, the rooms were awarded positive responses from jury members. Leonid Todorajko performed Vouge in a duet with a diolea. His technique came to the judges in the soul, but a partner, according to professionals, "can and more".

The novel of the Supser danced in a pair with Tagir, and as Miguel noted, this room was worthy only praise, as well as a joint speech of Polina Chrinina and Christina Levash. Kostya Koval, dancing in a pair with Arsen named, also did not stick:

"Guys, you are well done, you coped," the opinion of Miguel expressed.

The number of the Machine Seliverstovaya at a partnership of another candidate for the departure of Herman Ramazanov and did the highest degree of praise from Egor Druzhinin, who noted that "this is what we come to the project."

A duet with Victoria Belunzova spoke Vova Rakov, who even eclipsed the red beauty with his own charisma and skills.

"I started! Vova, as you go to Vouge, "Denisova admired.


Analyzing all the presentations presented, the members of the jury team chose who of the two applicants leave the project. Tatyana Denisova left Todorajko, saying goodbye to Chrinina, Druzhinin gave a chance to Masha Seliverstovaya, spending Koval's home home, and Miguel decided to continue cooperation with the Sudeiver. The show left Vika Beluntsov.

At the moment, the TNT-Club application has already discovered voting on the basis of the episode. Results will be known in the 18th issue, the release date of which is November 30, 2019.

Shows "Dance" on TNT - 6 season, 17th edition (video):

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